Jesus’ Language More Complicated Than Experts Claim
“So Israel’s Prime Minister was arguing with the Pope over what language Jesus spoke” sounds…
Read More“So Israel’s Prime Minister was arguing with the Pope over what language Jesus spoke” sounds…
Read More(This post has been updated.) Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism,…
Read MoreBlumenthal’s Goliath is not funny, nor is it very entertaining. It is, for many reasons, often painful to read.
Read MoreThe doctor dances with settlers.
Read MoreThe seven of us stood in the parking lot of the office building across the street, and Joe opened the zippered cover of his three-ring binder full of painstakingly collected photographs of the old neighborhood gathered for the exhibition. As he began reading aloud an oral history from Marian Sahadi Ciacci—“A Syrian who married an Italian!”—it felt like a religious occasion, a conjuring out of almost nothing of an entire world gone by.
Read MoreI think we should be cautious about attempts to frame the Boston bombings, or for that matter any profound act of violence, mainly as a failure of (or an injunction for) “interfaith cooperation.”
Read MoreWhen things go well, feelings of “joy” and being “moved” abound, much like the Slim Peace participants claim of their experience. It is unclear whether such events actually change how these Jews and Muslims perceive each other, or if they only change how Jews and Muslims view themselves.
Read MoreWestern experts, looking for a comprehensible narrative, mistake consistency for fact. The misconceptions are further compounded by how difficult it is to identify a potential suicide—even mental health professionals can get it wrong—and how easy it is to conflate suicide terrorists with regular terrorists, the vast majority of whom don’t strap on bombs, preferring to stay alive and fight.
Read MoreCreepy postings on the Israeli embassy’s FB wall are getting a lot of press.
Read MoreAs Jewish institutional support of pro-Israel positions is showing signs of breaking down, it’s an opportunity to take a critical look at a widely-made claim that Jews have a “historical right” to the land of Israel.
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