Gingrich IA Political Director Resigns after “Cult of Mormon” Comments Go Public
Debacle raises questions about readiness of Gingrich campaign.
Read MoreDebacle raises questions about readiness of Gingrich campaign.
Read MoreFlyers describe Gingrich as “pro-life fraud.”
Read MoreOpts for most radical definition of fetal personhood.
Read MoreNewt Gingrich seems to be getting his conservative Christian credentials all locked up.
Read MoreThere was a time when politicians could get away with bashing gay people because they were invisible. That time appears to have passed.
Read MoreThe GOP has a mess on its hands.
Read MoreMarginal Republican presidential candidate previews shaming tactics of 2012.
Read MorePlanets! Tablets! Underwear! When some of America’s most celebrated pundits and public intellectuals talk about Mormons, these are the images that are summoned. Ironically in this “Mormon Moment”—signaled by a hit Broadway musical, polygamous housewives on TLC, and of course two Mormon presidential candidates—Mormons, long considered quintessential “outsiders” to mainstream American culture, today find themselves at the center of the American zeitgeist. Yet it is the Mormons’ supposed theological weirdness that is the centripetal attraction.
Read More“I prefer to think of Iowa as I saw it through the eyes of a ten-year-old boy,” Herbert Hoover, the only Iowan ever elected president of the United States, wrote at the beginning of his memoir. “Those were eyes filled with the wonders of Iowa’s streams and woods, of the mystery of growing crops.”
Read MoreIt’s been widely observed that religious foes of LGBT equality frequently make arguments of convenience. These arguments are usually guised in the language of rhetorics other than that of religion.
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