Happiness = Not Giving a Damn
A new study shows that Conservatives are happier than Liberals due to their ability to not care…
Read MoreA new study shows that Conservatives are happier than Liberals due to their ability to not care…
Read MoreFrom Maryknoll to “Priests for Life“; a rundown on who’s telling whom how to vote…
Read MoreOn August 17, India’s Catholic Bishops take a side in the battle over women’s ordination arguing that like men, women are ‘very good’ in the eyes of God.
Read MoreIf Focus on the Family isn’t praying for rain to quench the thirst and grow the food of drought-threatened regions what exactly are they praying for?
Read MoreOn the occasion of the latest “Love Won Out” conference, a story of love winning out. But not that way.
Read MoreBreaking with the American Medical Association’s longstanding definition of pregnancy, Bush’s HHS is spreading ideology, not science…
Read MoreAs the economy collapses where are the snake-oil salesmen promising untold wealth to the most fervent believers? Right where they’ve always been, sadly…
Read MoreFrom “Ex Gay Is Ok” buttons to denigrating Senators Pelosi, Clinton and Boxer, who are not like the “American women that we know”; a personal reflection on the Values Voters Summit…
Read MoreLiberal media claims that Obama was “sandbagged” at Saddleback, but is this just a knee-jerk reaction to evangelical influence in politics?
Read MoreCalifornia’s Proposition 8 would overturn the state’s Supreme Court decision to allow same-sex marriage — right wing religious groups are girding for the battle they are calling “the Armageddon of the culture war.”…
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