Climate Change Denial: A Guide for the Humanities
Is it really feasible to have this conversation without any reference to human values?
Read MoreIs it really feasible to have this conversation without any reference to human values?
Read MoreAs quack-ish doctors and bold religious repackaging goes, Couric’s reincarnation episode doesn’t seem so bad.
Read MoreAmerica’s science teacher throws religion under the bus.
Read MoreThere are only two significant problems with that charge.
Read MoreA new analysis of decades of studies concludes that religious people tend to be less intelligent, while a new book by Eastern Orthodox intellectual David Bentley Hart suggests that “the absolutely convinced atheist” is not an uncompromising intellectual, but rather “someone who has failed to notice something very obvious.”
Read MoreWhen I conducted a focus group at this church, the end times seemed to be on everyone’s mind. When we talked about caring for the environment, “Craig” cautioned that it was important to draw the line between protecting the creation and worshipping it, while “Julie” agreed, adding that, “like with the polar bears and stuff, of course I don’t want them to die, but you also have to realize this is just a part of the world coming to an end like it’s supposed to. And there’s nothing really that they can do.”
Read MoreWith a PhD in philosophy of science from Cambridge, the author of the latest argument for intelligent design isn’t your typical creationist hack, but he is something of a huckster; the flaw in his argument is difficult to spot because it is so blatantly obvious.
Read MoreThe neurophilosopher, whose latest book argues that the brain is all we are, discusses yoga, her awkward talk with the Dalai Lama, the soul and what makes her want to tell someone to just “bugger off!”
Read MoreAnd more importantly: do rats have souls?
Read MoreIn her latest book Patricia Churchland eschews the simplistic reductions of popular media in favor of nuanced and self-consciously incomplete explanations, but it does share one shortcoming that plagues her peers.
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