Paul Ryan’s Judeo-Christian Values
More on the electionpocalypse.
Read MoreMore on the electionpocalypse.
Read MoreCatholics may well decide the election. But I daresay it won’t be because they line up behind the bishops.
Read MoreAs Election Day approaches, the most craven, partisan, dire (and dumb) religious appeals begin to surface.
Read MoreA Republican, not just a Mormon, problem.
Read MoreThe “Vote Catholic” campaign.
Read MoreBottom line: hyping age-old anti-Mormon suspicion does nothing to combat racism in the presidential elections. Sullivan should know better.
Read MoreIf there is one thing people need during a national disaster, it is functioning and effective government. If there is one time we need redistributive justice, it is during a crisis. Much of politics perhaps just comes down to what is, and is not, a crisis—a hurricane I hope we can all agree on. But what about climate change? Or health care? What is life-threatening? What is an emergency?
Read MoreMitt Romney’s endorsement by various televangelists obscures the more important ways in which the candidate himself now projects the essence of televangelism.
Read MoreIs this what Harry Reid was taunting Mitt Romney about?
Read MoreAfter Richard Mourdock, a Republican Senate Candidate in Indiana, called pregnancy after rape a gift from God critics were furious. Were they wrong to conclude that this popular theology leads to some very disturbing beliefs?
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