Walk the Walk: Honoring Common Ground on Abortion
In a piece in the Washington Post one of the organizers of a groundbreaking public dialogue between pro-choice and pro-life leaders took two giant steps back.
Read MoreIn a piece in the Washington Post one of the organizers of a groundbreaking public dialogue between pro-choice and pro-life leaders took two giant steps back.
Read MoreWhy the Aqua Buddha ad isn’t despicable, Part II.
Read MoreSupposedly softer side of anti-choice movement endorses its fringe.
Read MoreSusan B. Anthony List embroiled in legal proceedings over its advertising in Ohio.
Read MoreFlorida’s bitterly contested Governor race just got more controversial.
Read MoreThis week, the world will stop turning; or at least it will for the daytime soap opera “As The World Turns,” which officially ends after 53 years. But if we remember the soap opera solely as a torrid celebration of sexual transgression—or as a frivolous time-waster for bored housewives—we miss understanding something crucial about the relationship between popular culture and morality.
Read MoreSarah Palin did an about-face on the “hopey-changey thing” last week in Jacksonville when, as the headliner for the Evening of Hope, she and the other speakers on the program promoted lots of change—of the religious right kind.
Read MoreAt the Fathers’ House International church in Henderson, Kentucky, Pastor Lisa Bourland is seated on the floor of the altar in the prayer room washing the feet of speakers for that evening’s Women, Weapons of Warfare (WWW) conference. Behind her is a blank movie screen—the…
Read MoreSome people will try anything except empowering women to bring down the abortion rate.
Read MoreA democratic political strategist proposes a divide and conquer strategy — but is there any data or logic to support it?
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