New Poll Shows Religious Right and Left Look Very Different
Those on the religious right and left not only diverge wildly on everything from abortion to torture, but in their composition and distribution as well.
Read MoreThose on the religious right and left not only diverge wildly on everything from abortion to torture, but in their composition and distribution as well.
Read MoreAnd for that matter, why is an influential blogger writing straight from dubious press releases?
Read MoreThough he was never one to wear his religion on his sleeve, Sen. Kennedy’s liberal record of working for social justice falls squarely within the Catholic tradition.
Read MoreOne reason we don’t hear from “those who actually minister to real people with real problems” is that conservatives have successfully defined “people of faith” as abortion opponents
Read MoreThis week’s rollout of a congressional bill in support of abortion reduction has been given the blessing of religious leaders from across the spectrum; a rare show of agreement over one of the most contentious issues in American society. But what does it mean that religion has played such an important role in this conflict?
Read MoreYoung people are being trained by militant anti-abortion groups to be informed, media-savvy, publicity-oriented foot soldiers in the battle to outlaw abortion.
Read MoreA standard misconception of the religious right is to privilege sexual “sins” over the sin of, say, a lack of economic justice for women. A story from Genesis 38 retold…
Read MoreObama won, in part, by flipping the vote of Latino evangelicals back from their support of Republicans in ’00 and ’04. This switch, argues Prof. Gastón Espinosa, is due to a combination of targeted and aggressive outreach to evangelicals, the candidate’s ability to talk about his faith, and a compromise on the abortion and gay rights issues.
Read MoreObama’s Notre Dame speech seemed to reinforce the “common ground” school, which adopts Christian Right frames in the name of compromise. But a careful look at the numbers reveals that Democrats have more to gain by articulating a strong moral message—whatever the content—than by watering down the message in an effort to appease conservative Christians.
Read MoreLila Rose, a 20-year-old UCLA student, is taking on Planned Parenthood with a phony story, video equipment, and support from a host of Christian Right media outlets and organizations.
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