Eddie Long Case Should Mark the End of Black Church Homophobia
The problem is that the black church is obsessed with the suppression of sexuality.
Read MoreThe problem is that the black church is obsessed with the suppression of sexuality.
Read MoreThe obsession with black womens’ marital status obscures their dire economic state.
Read MoreA new book by an iconic rapper, the Wu Tang Clan’s RZA, told in the voice of a street sage, tells the story of his ascent from the mean streets of Brooklyn to the pinnacle of success, and shows him to be the quintessential postmodern American spiritual seeker.
Read MoreThe conversation continues in a diavlog on Bloggingheads.tv.
Read MoreWhat is the black church and what does it mean to say that the black church is dead? A provocative assertion and prophetic challenge by a prominent interpreter of African-American religion occasions a lively and varied set of responses. Updated with a response to those responses by Eddie Glaude, Jr., whose article sparked the discussion.
Read MoreThough he’s frequently associated with the excesses of televangelism TD Jakes should be praised for doing the progressive thing.
Read MoreAfter teaching them that the Black Church is their family, their home, our churches are failing our children in their time of need.
Read MoreRev. Wright’s assertions that it’s really the “Black Church” under attack help reduce the complexity of the religious life of black America to a soundbite…
Read MoreThe Rev. Wright controversy begs the question: Has “The Black Church” outgrown its usefulness?
Read MoreRev. Wright has been likened to his biblical namesake, but there’s a crucial difference between Wright’s rhetoric and that of the prophet Jeremiah…
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