Getting Wright Wrong: Preaching is Not Policy
Anyone who thinks that full agreement with your pastor is necessary has never been to church…
Read MoreAnyone who thinks that full agreement with your pastor is necessary has never been to church…
Read MoreKing’s reputation and influence suffered in the four years after his famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Even Obama, who rides high on a tide of popularity, is not immune to the vagaries of history.
Read MoreThere is a temptation to regard Obama’s inauguration as the end of a forty year “wilderness” experience, but symbolism and symmetry can only take us so far. We, as citizens, are going to need to hold Obama accountable.
Read MoreThe numbers are in and you, the reader, have chosen your favorite RD stories of the year; from Rick Warren to AIPAC, Sarah Palin, Creationism 2.0 and the fabled “death” of the religious right.
Read MoreA professor of African-American religious history talks about teaching with a heavy heart, year after year, about the truths of racism. With the election of Barack Obama, this year will be different, but the journey of healing has only just begun.
Read MoreIs authentic religious commitment incompatible with critical thinking, reason, or compromise, as philosopher Simon Critchley seems to imply in a recent essay on Obama? Or is our challenge to refuse the false oppositions between total transformation and conflict, or politics and piety?
Read MoreIt has become common to blame the black community for the passage of California’s same-sex marriage ban. A look at the statistics and logic put the lie to this seductive and simplistic narrative.
Read MoreA colleague suggests, in response to Andre Wills’ recent RD article, that being evangelical is no more antithetical to the prophetic strand of the black church than R&B is to gospel music…
Read MoreDoes Obama’s coded evangelical language signal a shift from black prophetic politics to the evangelical politics of personal salvation?
Read MoreWas Obama’s speech just an exercise in kumbaya idealism?
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