An Unholy Holy Week: Is the All-Male Rule of the Roman Catholic Church Self-Destructing?
In the midst of the worst crisis to hit Roman Catholicism in centuries, it is clear that the all-male rule of the Church has failed.
Read MoreIn the midst of the worst crisis to hit Roman Catholicism in centuries, it is clear that the all-male rule of the Church has failed.
Read MoreIn the midst of new developments in the Catholic sex abuse scandal and in light of last year’s surprise invitation from the Pope to conservative Episcopalians, a new invitation is extended to disheartened Catholics.
Read MoreWhen Pope Benedict refers to the ever-growing scandal threatening the Church as “petty gossip of dominant opinion” he shows, for all his theological learning, a shocking disregard for both his flock and for the moral standing of the institution he heads. Is it curtains for the Church as we know it?
Read MoreLost in (and sullied by) the sexual scandals is the Church’s investigation into an apparition of Mary.
Read MoreA passionate call for reform from a scholar of religion and cradle Catholic. When does an institutional theology become so rotten that it needs to be taken out at the roots? It’s time for a new reformation, with justice for victims of sexual abuse.
Read MoreFrom Mexico to Washington, DC, anti-equality activists are trying to block happy families.
Read MoreRather than provide health care to gay and lesbian spouses, Catholic Charities cuts off spousal benefits.
Read MoreAs DC law changes to require equality for same sex couples seeking to adopt, the Catholic Church (which has been in the adoption business for generations) opts to close up shop rather than to abide by the law and treat gay and lesbian families equally.
Read MoreMajor religious leaders support immigration reform while a think tank argues that “loving thy neighbor” is relative. When we remember that real people’s lives are at stake, the moral landscape becomes clear.
Read MoreAs a defensive Vatican attempts to reclassify the pedophiles it has never ceased protecting, the centrist former editor of America magazine makes a flawed Polanski analogy.
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