Beyond Progressive Religion
Everyone has it wrong regarding politics and religion: the Christian Right, Atheists, and even the Progressive Religious community. The author proposes a daring alternative.
Read MoreEveryone has it wrong regarding politics and religion: the Christian Right, Atheists, and even the Progressive Religious community. The author proposes a daring alternative.
Read MoreObama’s Notre Dame speech seemed to reinforce the “common ground” school, which adopts Christian Right frames in the name of compromise. But a careful look at the numbers reveals that Democrats have more to gain by articulating a strong moral message—whatever the content—than by watering down the message in an effort to appease conservative Christians.
Read MoreLeaders of the religious right have recently begun to complain about the various names by which their movement is known. But if the shoe fits…
Read MoreWhile everyone on both sides of the abortion issue seems to condemn the murder of George Tiller, few admit the malignant effects of “baby killer” rhetoric.
Read MoreA USA Today op-ed urges evangelical Christians to change the terms of the conversation with gays and lesbians. But the end goal is the same: to change the homosexual into a non-homosexual.
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