Cleansing Monsters: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter retells the story of America, laying the blame for many of the worst episodes on vampires. Does this history let us off the hook?
Read MoreAbraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter retells the story of America, laying the blame for many of the worst episodes on vampires. Does this history let us off the hook?
Read MoreThe cliché that 9/11 “changed everything” is nowhere less true than in the post-9/11 impulse to declare war immediately. War was a choice as well as an echo: a choice Americans made, and an echo of how Americans have made decisions in times of previous conflict.
Read MoreAn interview with Patrick Mason, the nation’s leading scholarly expert on anti-Mormonism.
Read MoreWhen the Southern Sudanese declare independence from the Islamist regime in the North ending a half century of civil wars many, like William Maddeng, a refugee in Israel, won’t be celebrating.
Read MoreIf Bishop Andudu of Kadugli, Sudan had not been in Denver in June, he might be in a mass grave right now. In an interview with RD the bishop calls for international intervention to prevent the government’s “final solution” while emphasizing that this is not a war between Muslims and Christians.
Read MoreLast week’s six-hour PBS documentary, God in America, wasn’t really about God in America. Nor was it about religions in America. Following a fairly conventional narrative in mainstream discourse (albeit not one adopted by the contemporary Christian right), the series…
Read MoreOnly in the world of Glenn Beck can he both carry on the legacy of Martin Luther King and be the star student of a “biblical worldview” that minimizes slavery and claims that modern-day conservatives are the champions of racial justice.
Read MoreDick Armey mobilized his protest troops at the Capitol this weekend, and prompted this meditation from our columnist on the dangerous nostalgia for white dominance—then and now—that this anti-Obama movement calls forth.
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