Could Orthodoxy Be Having its Vatican II Moment?
An interview with theologian Fr. John Chryssavgis
Read MoreAn interview with theologian Fr. John Chryssavgis
Read MoreBecause of the outspoken opposition to Donald Trump by some of its leaders, and its…
Read MoreQueer spaces are sanctuaries. Sanctuaries are spaces of safety and freedom. When violence enters a…
Read MoreAs of this writing, Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War is 2016’s biggest movie worldwide. If pop…
Read MoreThe U.S. Catholic Bishops’ vote to maintain their politically aggressive Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty…
Read MoreTime to take responsiblity—peacefully—for global well-being.
Read MoreHarvard’s humanist chaplain disagrees… sort of.
Read MoreLogic is the key to the story. In this case, once we know how many thousands of Americans are killed by guns each year and know that places with the fewest guns have the fewest murders, it’s only logical to regulate gun ownership and possession. But even the most convincing logic can rarely defeat a rich, emotionally powerfully, historically deep-rooted myth. And the gun control advocates’ progressive myth is depressingly thin and emotionally weak compared to the thick, potent store of myth wielded by their opponents.
Read MoreA scholar returning from a visit with Syrian opposition figures discusses the role of religion in the Syrian civil war, including whether it’s a sectarian war, what Americans need to know, and whether a post-war Syria will be an Islamic state.
Read MoreThe “Palin Whisperer” breaks it down.
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