
The Fear is Real: A New View of Halloween “Hell Houses”


Tribulation Trail, and other “Hell Houses” are not solely managing hypothetical fears of what may happen in end-times scenarios; they are about managing fears about the present and imagining a way out now. This “way out” is much more than metaphysical. It seems to fit with the material realities of what it is like to be a member of the working class of the U.S., by offering a sense of orientation and self-worth to people who have been demoralized and exploited in almost every other possible way.

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Beck Plus God Does Not Equal X


After this weekend’s rally by the new Evangelist-in-Chief, Glenn Beck, I am left with a question: Why is it that when white religious men say outlandish stuff, it’s brilliant, and when black religious men say outlandish stuff, they are evil and racist?


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