Darwin in Rome: Burden of Diversity, Mystery of Time
Two current exhibits in Rome hint at the disturbing subtext of Darwin’s theories and the root of religious opposition to them.
Read MoreTwo current exhibits in Rome hint at the disturbing subtext of Darwin’s theories and the root of religious opposition to them.
Read MoreThe Human Rights Campaign, while lobbying for the passage of a comprehensive federal nondiscrimination bill, is hoping to “reclaim the moral ground” from the religious right by targeting churches with its new curriculum.
Read MoreIn this dispatch from a British conference on science and the public interest, author Lauri Lebo revisits American attitudes toward Darwin from the perspective of our neighbors across the pond.
Read MoreIn the journey toward white comprehension of the legacy of racism, consciousness comes slowly. But now is the time for the hard work, the time for what Dr. King called “creative action.”
Read MoreA professor of biology gets clergy on board in the fight against those who would teach biblical creationism in America’s schools, showing that science does not always lead to atheism. Sorry, Dawkins.
Read MoreThe film adaptation of this Pulitzer Prize-winning play, set in the midst of Vatican II, pits the age-old male hierarchy against the secrecy of the recent molestation scandals. And the winner is…
Read MoreSoulforce, an organization dedicated to changing the hearts of those who discriminate against LGBT people based on religious belief, takes the message to conservative colleges and learns, firsthand, the eleventh commandment: Thou Shalt Not Trespass on Campus.
Read MoreA generation after the infamous Scopes Trial, a biology teacher, Susan Epperson, went to court and won the right to teach evolution theory. Even the election of a new, more science-friendly administration, however, does not ensure that the Bible will no longer be used as a science textbook.
Read MoreThe United States has exported its contradictory and confusing HIV prevention strategy to Africa: Abstain, Be Faithful, Condoms (ABC). Herewith a modest proposal to reconcile Christianity, identity, and HIV prevention…
Read MoreAmid new rumors of man and dinosaur coexistence, the Texas Board of Education will be debating the “strengths and weaknesses” of evolution and deciding whether to force religion into science class.
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