SCOTUS Tackles Government Prayer in Greece v. Galloway
Arguments in the Supreme Court’s first public prayer case in 30 years are more complicated than they at first appear to be.
Read MoreArguments in the Supreme Court’s first public prayer case in 30 years are more complicated than they at first appear to be.
Read MoreWill the challenge to build “an homage to the historic/literary Satan” at Oklahoma’s capital actually change anything?
Read MoreIs rewriting the rules on religious freedom in the works?
Read MoreIn response to churches that refuse to quit electioneering Church-State watchdogs are demanding action… but what if there were a way for churches to constitutionally endorse candidates and do all the electioneering they like? Well, here it is…
Read MoreA federal judge thinks that might solve an Establishment Clause problem.
Read MoreA report from the principally Catholic anti-contraception rally in Maryland reveals a constituency whose calls for religious freedom appear to be at the cost of freedom for all others.
Read MoreFirst Amendment prohibits government favoring a particular religious view.
Read MoreAt the end of 2011, in a sign of what’s to come, the U.S. Bishops warned the Obama administration to amend a regulation on contraception in its health care legislation or stand accused of religious discrimination.
Read MoreOn the Parable of the Kosher Deli, contraception, and freedom of religion.
Read MoreThe inverse of the argument that Islam ‘causes’ terrorism is the idea that Islam could solve the problem. Either way, it’s undue focus on the religion.
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