Bobby Jindal Hypes His Christian Cred at Liberty U.
Over the past few months, Louisiana Governor Piyush “Bobby” Jindal has been making aggressive moves…
Read MoreOver the past few months, Louisiana Governor Piyush “Bobby” Jindal has been making aggressive moves…
Read MoreThe Flood story forces us to grapple with the deeply impersonal forces of the universe that are set against human civilization.
Read MoreReligions are richly variable in their organizations, belief systems, rituals, and practices. This is true…
Read MoreFear of a yoga planet, part MMCXVII.
Read MoreWhen it comes to the consumption of meat, our human hands have long been dirty. This isn’t a discouragement to stop striving for the good. But a moral proposal that promises to wash our filthy fingers spotlessly clean—in seconds flat—is suspect. Because they will still be dirty. The pressing moral question, of meat, becomes: given that human hands are obviously soiled, what can be done with these polluted tools?
Read MoreThe week in religion…
Read MoreAttempts to legally define yoga would amount to identifying a bounded tradition of symbols, practices, and ideas, which in reality vary across yoga studios and ashrams within the United States alone.
Read MoreRecent studies of yoga reveal the formative influence of (wait for it) Buddhism, Jainism, Sufism, television, military calisthenics, Swedish gymnastics and the YMCA, as well as of radical Hindu nationalism, upon today’s postural yoga practice. There is no doubt that the Vedas, Upanishads, and folk traditions of India have been formative toward yoga: yoga is almost inseparable from them. Nevertheless to assert that yoga is essentially and primarily a Hindu practice means to ignore millennia of generative influence from other quarters. Worse still, it means to step blindly into a political fight for the heart of India that has simmered for over two hundred years.
Read MoreEvangelicals and fundamentalist Hindus come together in their denunciation of yoga.
Read MoreControversy over who owns yoga simmers at 105 degrees.