News Flash from World Net Daily: Easter is Pagan Holiday
Why is the right launching a War on Easter?
Read MoreWhy is the right launching a War on Easter?
Read MoreTo spend this season in Rome is to recall that traditional religions specialize in beauty in worship.
Read MoreA new report on the isolated and lonely has our columnist calling on churches to open their doors and promote analog community.
Read MoreIn the latest salvo in the Christmas Wars, Boss Creation’s Martha Boggs has come up with the ultimate tree decoration.
Read MoreWould Christian employees be comfortable being forced by their employers to say Happy Hanukah or Happy Kwanzaa or Happy Ramadan to their customers?
Read MoreThough it sounds good just on its face, NYC Mayor Bloomberg has made the right decision by threatening to veto the proposal to add two Muslim holidays to the school calendar. And no, it’s not a pander to Jewish voters.
Read MorePresident Obama got his campaign slogan from Cesar Chavez, but on this 16th anniversary of the great labor leader’s death we still have no national holiday to commemorate his legacy.
Read MoreThe original St. Valentinus (one of at least seven with the same name, so we can’t be too sure!) was arrested for marrying Roman Christian couples. His bloody martyrdom was particularly brutal. Love and loss, romance and violence. They’ve always gone together.
Read MoreIndignant responses to the Janet Jackson nipple slip and the somber post-9/11 halftime show reveal glimpses of the sanctity of this yearly ritual, but it’s also in the creation of icons, the reinforcement of rules, and Americans telling themselves stories about themselves.
Read MoreIn a small town in Spain, a yearly festival celebrates the hybrid racial and cultural identities, both Christian and Muslim, of the local populace—a ritual of reconciliation.
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