God Bless Islam with Courageous Leadership
What was the spiritual harvest of the month of fasting, prayer, deep reflection, and discipline?
Read MoreWhat was the spiritual harvest of the month of fasting, prayer, deep reflection, and discipline?
Read MoreFour New York Muslims take the anniversary of 9/11 to reflect on piety and patriotism, on sharing classrooms and rituals of community life, on the courage and goodness of New Yorkers, and on the horrific event that has shaped a generation of American Muslim life.
Read MoreWe must listen to our neighbors.
Read MoreDespite condemnation by evangelicals and others, the utter ordinariness of demeaning Islam persists.
Read MoreLet me be honest. I am not big on this idea of God as the fulfiller of our requisition lists.
Read MoreAlright evangelical and/or fundamentalist pundits* opposed to the Ground Zero mosque, whom art thou?
Are thee the faithful praying/hoping/waiting for the imminent return of Christ or are thee like the believers in Ephesus who forsook their first love in the name of zealotry (Revelation…
Read MoreHis opponents are playing Six Degrees of Bin Laden, Sherroding, smearcasting, and other ugly games.
Read MoreMany commenters are proving the Pew Poll right: we know very little about Islam.
Read MoreObama has proposed working with like-minded Muslims, through nations and networks, to build partnerships. Though it’s an awkward place for an American president to stand—because it could backfire. The last time we helped develop a network of Muslims who came together for common cause, it got messy; al Qaeda emerged from the bloody aftermath.
Read MoreThat the kindergarten logic of “hear no evil, see no evil” is being used in order to sway public opinion in favor of the Center, but while the success of these maneuvers remains to be seen, its damage is immediately apparent: if Park51 ‘sounds’ nothing like mosque, claims to ‘be’ nothing like a mosque, and, ‘looks’ nothing like a mosque, then, and only then, does it emerge a defensible endeavor within the United States.
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