The Next Big Religion Issue: Immigration
What you won’t find in the Bible: Immigrant, go back to where you came from.
Read MoreWhat you won’t find in the Bible: Immigrant, go back to where you came from.
Read MoreSara Miles was a journalist and a chef who wandered into a San Francisco church one Sunday, got religion, and stayed to start a food pantry that now feeds 600 families a week. We talked to her recently about her newest book, Jesus Freak: Feeding, Healing, Raising the Dead.
Read MoreRioting continues in Malaysia this week as Muslims fight for the exclusive right to the word “Allah.” But is the name of God a name or a noun? And who stands to gain politically from this unrest?
Read MoreTo spend this season in Rome is to recall that traditional religions specialize in beauty in worship.
Read MoreJesus was pretty clear about divorce: it’s a sin. If you live in California you can sign a petition to make it illegal — and see how it feels to try to step on the civil rights of others.
Read MoreThe task of religious thinking in the age of AIDS is to counter society’s rejection of the ill, the old, the marginalized.
Read MoreA new book.
Read MoreWhy is the character of Jesus so powerful? Why is he such a hit? Bestselling writer Mary Gordon re-reads the Gospels, asking these questions, among others, and trying to figure out why fundamentalist readings of scripture, grounded in fear and rage, have come to dominate the understanding of religion in this country.
Read MoreIf adding sexual orientation to the hate crimes law saves just one life, it brings redemption (and safety) to us all.
Read MoreWhen the director Roman Polanski sexual assaulted a 13-year-old, was it only US law he violated?
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