Will Catholic Voters Support LGBT Rights in Washington State?
An interview with Washington Catholics for Marriage Equality founder Kathy Morefield.
Read MoreAn interview with Washington Catholics for Marriage Equality founder Kathy Morefield.
Read MoreAirbrushing at the ACLJ.
Read MoreFor those still in denominations like the United Methodists that are not accepting of LGBT people, go to your church and put a note in the offering plate that says you won’t give until things change. Every time we’ve tried that, the pastors have called people in immediately to talk to them and it opened up a dialogue in that church that was serious because they could see that that could spread among other people who are pro-gay. One thing you can do is withhold your money. Why are we supporting our own oppression?
Read MoreAuthor of widely criticized ‘gay parenting’ study would not ‘presume’ to ask right-wing groups to stop misusing his study to attack gay families.
Read MoreJoel Osteen says gays are not “God’s best,” but who is? Biblical examples are sketchy.
Read MoreIf we don’t turn it around, guess what folks…
Read MoreSnooki, of Jersey Shore fame, recently renounced her wild ways and embraced the conventional American lifestyle. A deeper look at this standard narrative presents problems for those who want freedom, not just acceptance.
Read MoreIntolerance is perhaps easier to attribute to those who claim an observance to biblical orthodoxy. From gay rights to science, proponents of biblical orthodoxy have assumed the role of self-appointed guardians of the truth. Such claims are the feeble attempt to provide answers to moral questions using a litany of biblical texts that support their presuppositions. But the unhealthy adherence to orthodoxy is not the exclusive property of those who embrace a conservative approach to scripture.
Read MoreIn tampering illegally with foreign nations on behalf of LGBT equality, Hacktivists associated with Anonymous have managed to raise the ire of those they’d hoped to help.
Read MoreLooking for friends to help raise $1.5 million for swing-state campaign.
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