Did the National Prayer Breakfast Create a New Conservative Superstar?
The new celebrity of Dr. Ben Carson.
Read MoreThe new celebrity of Dr. Ben Carson.
Read MoreThe Obama administration’s religion trap.
Read MorePastor tapped to deliver inauguration benediction gave anti-gay sermon in the 1990s.
Read MoreAs Election Day approaches, the most craven, partisan, dire (and dumb) religious appeals begin to surface.
Read MoreAnd it’s not just because parking will be tough.
Read MoreProbably few who gathered to hear Bonhoeffer’s latest biographer expected to be asked to imagine themselves called by God to rise up against a regime that might be as heinous as the Third Reich—but as it turns out Metaxas is not unique among religious-right intellectuals in his use of the language of armed revolt.
Read MorePray tell, can someone look in the mirror?
Read MoreLeadership team announced for Florida Republican Party straw poll this week.
Read MoreThis year, LGBT advocates in New York had ample cause to be hopeful, but the opposition—led by National Organization for Marriage, the Catholic Bishops, and Orthodox Jews—remain confident of victory.
Read MoreThe limits of debating policy through the Bible.
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