Is Religion to Blame for Violence? Karen Armstrong’s Flawed Case
Just as I finished Karen Armstrong’s Fields of Blood, which is a very extended attack on…
Read MoreJust as I finished Karen Armstrong’s Fields of Blood, which is a very extended attack on…
Read MoreFrom religious violence to fear of contagion to economic and racial injustice: taking full measure of what we are up against.
Read MoreWorsening situation of Burma’s Muslims is instructive.
Read MorePunk rockers in Myanmar are gaining international attention for publicly denouncing Buddhist monks’ genocidal treatment of Muslim minorities.
Read MoreThe Dalai Lama recommends a radical new approach: a religionless religion, stripped of myth, superstition, and narrow dogmatism, and focused on the practical work of transforming human behavior.
Read MoreWhat about the peaceful, warm, accepting, cross-legged men wearing funny, exotic robes?
Read MoreOtherwise you might as well send a message to al-Qaeda entitled “You’ve won.”
Read MoreOn August 31, a few days before the opening of the current American-led Middle East peace talks in Washington, four Israelis were killed by Hamas operatives in the West Bank. Among them was a pregnant woman. This did not bode well for the future of the talks, about which there was already a great…
Read MoreThreats of right-wing violence have doubled in the past year. What is behind the latest upsurge in the movement to create a Christian theocratic state?
Read MoreIn a poverty-stricken nation with a failed state and rampant political corruption, the recent violence between Christians and Muslims has been blamed solely on religion. But to a reporter who spent two years covering Nigeria, it’s far more complicated than that.
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