Women Are Not “Pork”
The Democratic leadership caved in to conservative Republicans on family planning this week. The opposition for the religious right goes back to the historic rupture between sex and reproduction in the 20th century.
Read MoreThe Democratic leadership caved in to conservative Republicans on family planning this week. The opposition for the religious right goes back to the historic rupture between sex and reproduction in the 20th century.
Read MoreIn his zeal to appeal to all, the president-elect chose a pastor to give the invocation at his inauguration who has compared gays to pedophiles and abortion to the Holocaust. Why did he do it?
Read MoreRD News Round-Up—December 8, 2008: Proposition 8—The Rematch; California Supreme Court Justice in Religious Right’s Crosshairs; American Family Association’s 40th Birthday; and “The Last Languages Campaign,” Breakaway Episcopalians, and “Counterfeit Pro-Lifer[s].”
Read MoreAs we help US culture emerge from its anti-scientific faith moment, we need to stress a rational morality.
Read MoreWhile the LDS Church’s leadership role in the passage of Proposition 8 may have been a surprising new direction for observers here in the United States, the Church has been instrumental in the organization of a world-spanning alliance of right-wing Christians and Muslims.
Read MoreThe United States has exported its contradictory and confusing HIV prevention strategy to Africa: Abstain, Be Faithful, Condoms (ABC). Herewith a modest proposal to reconcile Christianity, identity, and HIV prevention…
Read MoreHis “new evangelical” positions on global warming, condoms, et al., separate Warren from the old guard of the religious right—but when it comes to reproductive and gay civil rights, the best-selling reverend assumes the hardest of the hard line.
Read MoreWhat happens when you search for contraception on the new Catholic-sanctioned search engine?
Read MoreCommentators maintain that the selection of Rick Warren was a shrewd political calculation. But what of the moral center?
Read MoreA recent RD article has sparked a conversation around the web…
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