‘New Evangelical’-Progressive Alliance? Not So Fast
In a recent essay Marcia Pally argues that a generation of “new evangelicals” have “left the right.” But left it for what?
Read MoreIn a recent essay Marcia Pally argues that a generation of “new evangelicals” have “left the right.” But left it for what?
Read MoreAnd why the GOP presidential hopefuls are running scared from cap and trade.
Read MoreThe National Association of Evangelicals eagerly reasserts its opposition to any recognition of same-sex relationships.
Read MoreAt emergency summit, interfaith leaders condemn climate of “derision, misinformation and outright bigotry.”
Read MoreFormer NAE lobbyist and founding partner of the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good says Graham is being “inflammatory.”
Read MoreA major newsmagazine gets theological, and infuriates conservatives. But the Newsweek story doesn’t even scratch the surface of contemporary religion scholarship on gay marriage.
Read MoreThe former VP of the National Association of Evangelicals was forced to resign for his acceptance of gay civil unions; ironic, given the views of evangelicalism’s future leaders.
Read MoreThe chief lobbyist for the National Association of Evangelicals admonishes Evangelicals: “If you’re simply voting on same sex marriage and abortion, you’re not thinking.”
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