Why Donald Trump’s Love Affair With Evangelicals (Probably) Won’t Last
According to the latest Quinnipiac University poll of Republican likely caucus-goers, Donald Trump is still earning…
Read MoreAccording to the latest Quinnipiac University poll of Republican likely caucus-goers, Donald Trump is still earning…
Read MoreRachel Maddow broke the news last night that Bryan Fischer, the American Family Association’s Director…
Read MoreAcross South Carolina—and indeed the country—voters attend tiny churches, Bible studies, and prayer meetings. Their collective views on the candidates are much more difficult to measure and assess. And while they may be consumers of Christian talk radio, or televangelism, or other religious media, they are not lock-step followers of the decisions of elites who met at a ranch in Texas, or of Jim Bob Duggar, or of anything but their own received revelation.
Read MoreBut Mormons aren’t the only ones calling the faithful to prayer.
Read MoreCandidate’s remarks precede anti-Islam, anti-gay, anti-liberal rant from radio host.
Read MoreDemands Perry to make a break with Jeffress.
Read MoreWas anti-Mormonism coordinated with Perry campaign?
Read MoreAt least it’s not anti-Mormon.
Read MoreIn the process implies that gays can’t be middle class.
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