Rick Santorum Breezes Past the Genocidal Foundation of White Christian Nationalism
Andrew Seidel’s piece on RD discusses Rick Santorum’s racially incendiary remarks about Native Americans and…
Read MoreAndrew Seidel’s piece on RD discusses Rick Santorum’s racially incendiary remarks about Native Americans and…
Read MoreDear CNN, Many questioned your decision to hire Rick Santorum as a senior political commentator…
Read MoreRemember when the presidential election, or the Republican primary, at least, was going to be…
Read MoreWhen speaking to religious audiences, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker likes to remind people that he…
Read MoreOne hears a great deal about conservative Christians — especially the ones running for the highest…
Read MoreAcross South Carolina—and indeed the country—voters attend tiny churches, Bible studies, and prayer meetings. Their collective views on the candidates are much more difficult to measure and assess. And while they may be consumers of Christian talk radio, or televangelism, or other religious media, they are not lock-step followers of the decisions of elites who met at a ranch in Texas, or of Jim Bob Duggar, or of anything but their own received revelation.
Read MoreFlyers describe Gingrich as “pro-life fraud.”
Read MoreIt’s been widely observed that religious foes of LGBT equality frequently make arguments of convenience. These arguments are usually guised in the language of rhetorics other than that of religion.
Read MoreOf course, in today’s pussy-footing, self-censoring public talk about religion, we never ask how Isabella feels about being the occasion for edifying “sacrifice” by the Santorums? It is fine for Rick Santorum to tell us how such sacrifice has deepened his faith, strengthened the bonds uniting their family, and so on. Good for him. Moreover, Santorum would want no pity from me. He identifies with the uplifting narrative of sacrificing for the sake of others, protecting the weak, championing “life,” building character by overcoming adversity, seeing blessing where others see only curses, and so on. But I find all this attention to the suffering and sacrifice of Rick Santorum more than a little self-centered—a kind of spiritual egoism.
Read MoreBut lacks the religious fervor to connect with 75% of GOP.
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