Behind a Recent Stunt in Idaho Lies a Dangerous Theocratic Movement
Last Tuesday, just days before Idaho became one of a handful states to see a…
Read MoreLast Tuesday, just days before Idaho became one of a handful states to see a…
Read MoreIn right-wing circles, theories about cultural Marxism in the era of Trumpism come entangled with other anti-Semitic theories, often arguing that George Soros and a shadowy “globalist” cabal are working to dissolve national borders and sovereignty into a totalitarian-communist “New World Order.”
Read MoreRyan Lizza describes the recent dust-up over Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) support for emergency contraception,…
Read MoreEd Kilgore takes issue with Robert Draper’s New York Times Magazine piece exploring whether the…
Read MoreIn the Department of No Surprise, we report this week on the excommunication from polite conversation of one Ron Paul, the odd-man-out candidate for the Republican–presidential nomination. Odd man, because Paul is just his own oddly compounded self and stays that way.
Read MoreBut lacks the religious fervor to connect with 75% of GOP.
Read MoreThe religious right’s goal of dismantling public education.
Read MoreBloggingheads on religion and politics.
Read MorePerry, Bachmann, Paul, and others must believe that 99.99% of scientists are involved in an effort to keep the truth from the world.
Read MoreDoug Wead, once a loyal Bushie, throws his evangelical outreach expertise to the Paul campaign.
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