Rape-Marriage of Nigerian Girls is ‘Biblical Marriage’
Nearly 300 Nigerian schoolgirls have been ripped from their desks and chairs, notebooks and pencils,…
Read MoreNearly 300 Nigerian schoolgirls have been ripped from their desks and chairs, notebooks and pencils,…
Read MoreBy tracking the way Jesus Christ has been rendered through the American racial imagination—actually lining up all the evidence, from Puritan witch trial transcripts through stained glass windows through contemporary movies—Paul and Ed give us a new place to start a national discussion about who owns the image of God. That discussion has been going on, as The Color of Christ demonstrates, in communities of color since the early nineteenth century, if not before.
Read MoreThe “Palin Whisperer” breaks it down.
Read MoreShould Christians ignore or exploit slaves-obey-your-masters verses?
Read MoreAbraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter retells the story of America, laying the blame for many of the worst episodes on vampires. Does this history let us off the hook?
Read MoreFor leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention, if heaven ain’t a lot like Dixie—with low taxes, fewer regulations, a decreased state involvement in public welfare and institutions, denial of coverage for women’s health concerns, and bitter attacks on the Obama administration launched from every available platform—then they don’t want to go. And even the city slickers running Mitt Romney’s campaigns and the rowdy friends at Ron Paul’s rallies should be able to appreciate that.
Read MoreYoung evangelicals who have taken up Wilberforce’s abolitionist banner are discovering that lacing social action with a concern for “the suppression of sin” is miring their efforts in needless controversy and threatening much-needed coalitions.
Read MoreBut “tax slavery” and “slavery to sin”—that’s another thing.
Read MoreAt the May “First Friday” lecture hosted by the Institute on the Constitution at the Heritage Community Church in Severn, Maryland, IOTC founder Michael Peroutka presented the evening’s guest speaker, attorney Herb Titus, with a “Patrick Henry Award” for “his tireless and fearless telling of God’s truth to power.”
Read MoreThere’ll be no baby-making Barry White music played while reading the “The Marriage Vow: a Declaration of Dependence upon Marriage and Family.”
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