It’s Theology, Not Baseball: Misunderstanding Iraq’s Sectarian Conflicts
Nothing is as conducive to global radical mobilization as an exclusive theological summons.
Read MoreNothing is as conducive to global radical mobilization as an exclusive theological summons.
Read More“We love the Bible,” the game’s creators claim, “we just have a funny way of showing it.”
Read MoreLast week there was a flurry of controversy over the public disinviting of gospel star Donnie Mclurkin to a DC celebration of in advance of the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. The mayor’s…
Read MoreIndividual and group understandings of their ontological positions are ignored to everyone’s peril when we relegate theology to historical study.
Read More“The book is vulnerable, to have all these stories about myself and these truths about myself out there. It’s not like the book is going to impress anyone—nobody’s going to say, ‘Wow, Nadia Bolz-Weber is a fucking spiritual giant.'”
Read MoreChristians (understood to mean here heterosexual activist traditionalists) have become identified with actively pursuing the denial of rights and benefits to others that they themselves enjoy. In other words, the “Gospel” has been identified with the cause of self-benefiting social discrimination against a minority group, a losing hand if ever there was one.
Read More“That’s the good news of Christianity for me. It’s not that you can be happy and whole, but rather that life is crap and you don’t know the answers. It’s good news to be freed from the oppression that there’s something that’s going to make it all better.”
Read MoreWhat McLaren is after is a Christian faith that is not automatically hostile to other faiths and to no faith: he calls this “strong-benevolent” Christianity, observing along the way that only active peacemakers can really claim to be connected to God with any real degree of credibility—a point that should be obvious but isn’t.
Read MoreAn RD holiday sampler of stories & viewpoints we would have liked to read in 2012.
Diana Butler Bass has a message for you.
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