Celebrating Religious Freedom Day By Taking Back the Revolutionary Meaning of ‘Religious Freedom’
Religious freedom has been at the center of American history since the founding. (And by…
Read MoreReligious freedom has been at the center of American history since the founding. (And by…
Read MoreIn 1820, at age 77, retired President Thomas Jefferson took a razor to four versions…
Read MoreDavid Barton’s post, “America’s Most Biblically-Hostile President,” details a theme that has become known to the public largely through the Gingrich/Santorum bloc: that Barack Obama has led the most actively anti-Christian administration in American history. But given Obama’s frequent Christian testimony—explicit enough to make most founding fathers uncomfortable with its public expression of private matters—how can this view be so widely held?
Read MoreTop 8 RD stories on religion and the use and abuse of history in U.S. political life.
Read MoreA pair of evangelical professors have written a point-by-point refutation of the religious right’s favorite historian. The question remains: does it matter?
Read MoreGeorgetown founder John Carroll wouldn’t be surprised to find his university in a controversy concerning the appropriate place of religious groups in civil affairs… but he might be surprised that this time an attack came from within the Church.
Read More“There are some among you,” the pope wrote, “who conceive of and desire a Church in America different from that which is in the rest of the world.” Apparently unconcerned that on this side of the ocean the word might have a more positive ring than he intended, he used the name by which this heresy had become known in Europe: Americanism.
Read MoreThe idea that God might actually pick sides is disturbing.
Read MoreTea Partier Phillip Dennis disputes Obama’s version of US history. Guess who’s right?
Read MoreThe Week In Religion, Poetically.
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