The Right Attacks Obama’s Religious Advisors
Spreading smears about not being “typical American Christians.”
Read MoreSpreading smears about not being “typical American Christians.”
Read MoreThough some conservatives worry that Beck’s anti-social justice rants make them look uncaring they all share a loathing of government.
Read MoreWith his new Faith and Freedom Coalition, Ralph Reed hopes to simultaneously bury his past and to make the connection he’s been yearning for: to “address a wider range agenda, social issues plus economic issues.” Will that connection and mutual cries of socialism be enough to wed the two most energetic right-wing movements?
Read MoreA proposed measure in Uganda would make repeated homosexual activity punishable by death. Anti-gay activists in the United States may think that it goes too far, but they laid the groundwork for it.
Read MoreFrom the media influence of the “birthers” to suggestions that the president wants to euthanize the elderly, a propaganda campaign against Obama is in full swing. Who, exactly, is behind it?
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