The 11 Best #RealClergyBios Tweets

Over the weekend, the #realclergybios hashtag spread like Gospel on Twitter, with countless pastors and seminarians shelling out hard truths about everything from doubting one’s vocation to fighting for the church’s solvency to—if you’re a woman or non-white pastor—dealing with daily microaggressions.

RD spoke to Indiana-based Presbyterian minister Mihee Kim-Kort, who launched #realclergybios as an offshoot of #realacademicbios, to get the story behind the hashtag.

Scroll down for the 11 most insightful—or just plain cheeky—tweets.

What pushed you to start #RealClergyBios?

Clergy constantly seem to have these perfect bios on Twitter and elsewhere, but if we dig a little deeper into their lives, it’s not so shiny and happy. My friend, Elizabeth Grasham (@elizabethlgr), helped originate this hashtag with #realpreacherbios in a closed Facebook group for young clergywomen.

Did you expect it to take off like it did?

It’s amazing that it became such an expression of vulnerability and honesty. The more people tweeted their bios and experiences, the safer the space became for others to enter into it too. We’re so used to living up to the expectations that come from having a Master of Divinity degree. Sometimes people just forget the humanity of clergy.

What do you think is the most overlooked challenge of clergy life for women and person-of-color ministers?

I think people don’t realize that our identities are constantly being questionedsometimes even our basic humanity. For women, the struggle is our appearance: We constantly get judged or critiqued. For POC, it can be a constant questioninga surprise that we speak English so well or that we chose this vocation or that we are working in white/Anglo churches.