The Angel of Death and Pam Tebow

Personhood USA, the extreme anti-abortion group responsible for getting Amendment 62 (which would declare fetus to be a person and ban some types of birth control) on the ballot in Colorado, has cut a shocking two-minute video in which President Obama morphs from himself to the Joker to the Angel of Death (via Kyle at Right Wing Watch).

Remember when we were told that there was a new movement afoot, a softer, gentler kind of anti-choice activism exemplified by the Tim Tebow Super Bowl ad? Pam Tebow has endorsed Personhood Colorado and Amendment 62. So much for that.

The video is called “The Prolife Tea Party Vote,” although that appears to be Personhood USA’s claim, not that of any tea party organization. Yet, contrary to the conventional wisdom that tea party supporters don’t care about abortion, as the Public Religion Research Institute poll showed, 63% of tea partiers are anti-choice, and the Personhood USA video plays on many tea party themes.

With the tea party’s ascendancy, much has been made of “culture war” issues like abortion not being hot election topics this year. But as I reported this morning, anti-choice groups are pouring financial and legal resources into painting anti-choice Democrats as insufficiently “pro-life” and deceitful stooges for a “massive expansion of abortion” through the health care reform bill in districts where they think turning out anti-abortion voters might make a difference.

The Personhood USA video, in addition to its incendiary imagery of the president, contains outlandish lies as well, and fear-mongering about health care and federal government “takeovers.” Next to an image containing the Obama campaign logo and a hammer and sickle, it claims “the new law contained massive abortion funding” as “kickbacks for campaign contributions” to the “abortion industry,” which has been “making millions” since abortion was legalized.

The video plays on religious right (and tea party) conspiratorial fears of an overzealous federal government, culminating in the arrival of “the Angel of Death” (Obama), followed by Hell (Obama, Reid, Pelosi). The United Nations — that bogeyman of the right — makes an appearance as well, in service of another lie: that the US government funds abortions overseas. The video claims — again, falsely — that the Obama administration has classified conservatives as domestic extremists. (It has not.)

“A vote for Amendment 62 is a vote for life, liberty, and traditional American values,” the video concludes, and “a vote against Amendment 62 is a vote for the Obama agenda.”
