Yesterday Get Religion’s Mollie Hemingway and I took to Bloggingheads to debate such thorny questions as whether Rick Perry’s Jesus-fest is way over the line, or way, way over the line; should we care that Jon Huntsman is not Mormon enough for some people (or too Mormon for others?), do the Democrats need to get religion (I say no, natch; Mollie has a different take), and whether handing Ayn Rand-loving Paul Ryan a Bible was a score or a stunt.
Watch the whole thing or skip to specific discussions:
- 00:45 The many problems with Rick Perry’s prayerfest
- 11:03 Is Jon Huntsman a “real Mormon”? Should we care?
- 18:53 The Paul Ryan Bible stunt
- 25:58 Why using Ayn Rand’s atheism to attack the right is confused
- 29:26 Polls on abortion: It’s all in the phrasing of the question
- 37:50 Will Obama’s faith be an issue in 2012?