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Frontier Airlines Business Class Flight 800-299-7264 Ticket Booking Reservation

An Open Letter to CEO Jeff Smisek On United Airlines’ Blasphemous Safety Video

…ual recompense. In the video message that was played before my last United Airlines flight, you expressed your desire to greet each and every passenger; you invited us to sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. If I could greet you now, I would want to know: were you unaware of the monstrosity that was about to follow? There, rising above the hiss of the pressurized air, as the video monitors snapped to the image of an engorged sun bursting from be…

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“Frontier Feminist” The Right’s Favorite In Nevada

…Reid,” the group’s president, Marjorie Dannenfelser, said in a statement. Frontier feminism? What’s that — carrying a .44 magnum and supporting privatization of Social Security and Medicare?  Or is frontier feminism the Proverbs 31 woman, which at Angle’s Southern Baptist church is the guiding principle for the women’s ministry? Proverbs 31 is an oft-cited verse by evangelicals to define the role of a “noble wife;” the Southern Baptist Convention…

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Caste First, Christ Second, for Some Indian Christians

…d executive secretary for the CBCI Office of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes. Attitudes in the church won’t change until the government helps raise Dalit Christians’ social standing through reservation, he says. “Mere preaching won’t do.” But other Dalit Christians disagree with Arokiaraj. “He is the Church,” Ram Bharati says of the priest. “Church has a lot of power, resources. Why is he demanding from the government?” Bharati, an Anglican…

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RD Book: Class Conscious

…ted the ranks of academic observers. Inadequate thinking about the idea of class, combined with class roles and assumptions that none could escape, resulted in analyses that reinforced existing socioeconomic hierarchies rather than interpreting them. In the final section he explores the constructive possibilities of his own model of class through historical analysis and ethnography. This work, like the whole book, is both very promising and somewh…

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Mile-High Identity Politics: What We Can Learn From the Same-Sex Seating Controversy

…a senior citizen and take his middle. I have watched passengers with first class seats hand their tickets to uniformed veterans and sit in economy. Several times I have witnessed people move further back to allow a mother to sit next to her children. All of these required not only the hassle of moving, but also the discomfort of a worse seat. Sometimes the person with the better seat was asked, sometimes s/he offered. In most situations, the perso…

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My Business, Myself: Piercing the Corporate Veil

…to General Motors, not its thousands of shareholders. However, with small businesses, the line between business and owner is often more blurred, creating a multitude of legal complications. When companies like Annex sue over the contraception mandate, the lawsuits are usually filed in the name of both the business and its owners, and the complaint about whose rights to the free exercise of religion are at issue can become ambiguous. Can business

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Historian: Evangelical Trump Fandom is No Deviation

…interesting but not out of step with their forebears, especially those in business. A business history of conservative evangelicalism shows that evangelicals have long treated spiritual and religious freedom (and its attendant economic, social, and political affects) as intertwined with the fate of business enterprise and business decisions. Decades ago, however, evangelicals did not need a court to secure what they deemed the “rights” of the fai…

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Evangelical Tells Beck He’s “Off The Reservation”

On his radio show last week, Brannon Howse of Worldview Matters accused Glenn Beck of “bait and switch” tactics to bring Christians together into a coalition on shared goals and then draw them into Mormonism by using manipulative double language. “He’s setting up a conspiracy theory of hidden truths showing this to be a Mormon Christian country.” Tensions between Beck and the conservative Christian world surfaced earlier in the week when Beck tol…

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Hajj Journal: The Journey Begins and Ends

…but this is the first time I’ve been on a plane where 50% of the seats are business– and first-class. Sorta gives you an idea who comes to the Kingdom, among Muslims and non-Muslims alike: big business. Okay, so the flight is not exclusive to hajjis, but when we arrive they announce for us hajjis to remain on the plane and disembark last. Let the other passengers, many whom will transfer to domestic flights, get off first. Well, if the rest of us…

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Our Failure To Understand Ferguson: A Cognitive Explanation

…our flight to JFK, the first leg in a thirty-hour series of international flights, without notification. At the airport we learned that our savvier co-passengers had already filled the Delta flight that was our only alternative. I assumed that the system would somehow take care of us—we had paid good money and followed every rule—until our travel agent called with frantic instructions: “You must make this connection. Bribe two Delta passengers! P…

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