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‘Only Christopher They Acknowledge is Columbus’: The ‘Biblical’ Reason why Replacing Columbus Day is an Uphill Battle

…on behalf of his supporters that the ‘only Christopher they acknowledge is Columbus.’ Columbus’ elevation into the heroic pantheon within American society is worth considering. Through the advocacy of the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic charity that aided newly arriving immigrants, Columbus Day has its roots in San Francisco’s Italian-American community in which Columbus Day coincided with the celebration of Italian-American heritage. But why Colu…

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Pro-Life Rift in Ohio: Boon or Bust for Pro-Choice Movement?

…ents kind of picking incrementalism or direct action, and affiliating with Ohio Right to Life or Ohio Pro-Life Action?” Theis doesn’t see the Heartbeat Bill as acting against the interests of incremental approaches. “There’s not one piece of pro-life legislation out there that we wouldn’t support,” she says. “It’s just that this is more aggressive.” Theis does, however, think Gonidakis’ lobbying against the bill is harming anti-abortion activists’…

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Can Atheists Simply Ignore Theology?

…onclude that string theory is nonsense, since it’s incomprehensible to me. Fortunately, Myers’ more prominent follower is also a more careful thinker. Dawkins offers an interpretation of “The Courtier’s Reply” that, at least at first glance, lends it more plausibility. In the preface to the paperback edition of The God Delusion, Dawkins distinguishes between two kinds of theology: the kind which presupposes God’s existence, which I’ll call substan…

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Goodbye, (Mythic) Columbus

…ich became, in the U.S. version of the myth, synonymous with the “America” Columbus “discovered”) would be the paradise Columbus sought. It would exude all of his mythic qualities: courage, initiative, intelligence, skill, and the freedom always to be making a new beginning. Simply by living on the land, the myth promised, each of us and our nation as a whole would always embody those qualities. They would permanently define America, celebrated in…

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Painting of Jesus holding the US Constitution surrounded by Americans throughout its history.

Columbus Day Celebrates a Christian Doctrine That Authorized Centuries of Violence — and Continues to Threaten American Democracy

…r to kill them outright. Most of the controversy around the celebration of Columbus Day in the U.S. has focused on Columbus’s barbaric treatment of Indigenous people. These individual deeds are indeed appalling. But lionizing Columbus implicitly celebrates something much more systemic: the setting of the colonizer’s moral compass with European Christian supremacy as due north. This moral and religious orientation directed the entire settler coloni…

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The Rise and Fall of an American Gang: Religion as Camouflage?

…The book is alternately fascinating and frustrating. What we learn of Jeff Fort’s childhood doesn’t mention religious upbringing, though he had siblings named “Maryam, Kadija… Kaaba, Akaba, and Aki.” Similar gaps riddle the narrative. “An Illinois politician invited Fort to attend the 1969 inauguration of President Richard Nixon,” we’re told, but we’re not told who, or why. Likewise, we’re told “the El Rukns had been paid ten thousand dollars thro…

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Most U.S. Catholics Back Marriage Equality, But Knights of Columbus Pour Millions into Opposition

…the Human Rights Campaign, noting that the Catholic Church and Knights of Columbus are together responsible for more than a quarter of the anti-equality spending in the four states in which marriage is on the ballot this fall. According to the report, the Catholic Church has funded more than 50 percent of the effort to write discrimination against LGBT people into the Minnesota constitution. In Maryland, cash donations from the Knights and NOM ha…

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Rick Santorum Breezes Past the Genocidal Foundation of White Christian Nationalism

…od takes a special interest in the nation. The first painting, “Landing of Columbus,” portrays a conquering Columbus planting a flag on what is likely Hispaniola, claiming it for Spain. In describing this painting, the video narrates a racial origin-story of the Americas. Through framing Columbus as the first bearer of Christianity to the Americas, the narrator portrays the ensuing genocide and colonization as Godly work. While the historical reco…

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Why Crux‘s Knights of Columbus “Partnership” is Problematic

…t the phrase “Under God” inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance and led to Columbus Day being recognized as a federal holiday. More recently, the Knights contributed over a million dollars to Proposition 8, which temporarily overturned marriage equality in California. They made similar million-dollar plus contributions to campaigns in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington. In 2005, they printed 800,000 postcards in Canada “in a campaign that […

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Heartbeat Bill Pulled, Anti-Choice Still Wins

…through the Senate. It would thus appear that in the tactical war between Ohio Right To Life and Ohio Pro Life Action, the Right to Life camp is winning. Bans on women’s ability to make their own health insurance decisions aren’t exactly sneaky, but they do demonstrate that the incremental approach continues to see success in the legislature. (Anti-choice bills signed into Ohio law this session include a late term abortion ban, and further restri…

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