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Why ISIS War Would Make Paris Attacks a Success

…ry, a vivid show of force to bolster the morale of its supporters, attract new volunteers, and with luck, intimidate its foes. The attacks in Paris may have been calculated to achieve all of these goals. Moreover, if its actions could goad the French and other Western powers into further military action against them, this would fit perfectly into the image of the Western Crusaders waging war against the forces of Islam. No matter that the Islamic…

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Post-Paris Reflections: We May Have to Learn to Hope

…forget the apocalypse because that was the topic. And you couldn’t forget Paris because Paris has a way of saying “I’m here.” Golden Rule The best slogan I heard repeated in Paris is “If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.” The other phrase that stuck has to do with some parts of the world being “sacrifice zones.” (h/t Naomi Klein for that coinage.) Women from North Dakota joined Hawaiians who joined Filipinos in describing themselves as…

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Religion Was Not the Reason for the Paris Attacks

…pected journalist, George Packer, hurriedly posted an opinion piece at The New Yorker arguing that this act had nothing to do with the ethnic tensions in France and it was simply a calculated attack on behalf of “Islamist ideology.” Twitter and Facebook were full of accusations that once again Islamic religion has propelled its faithful into violence. But the truth may be more complicated than that. We must consider that this case may be similar t…

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Pricey Tickets, Cranky Citizens, and Priests Behind Bars as Philadelphia Prepares For Papal Visit

…e contributed to the decline of an archdiocese that once rivaled Boston or New York. The same month Pope Benedict announced the next WMOF, Monsignor Lynn of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia became the first diocesan administrator convicted in the United States of re-assigning pedophile priests. Lynn was recently incarcerated at Curran Freehold Prison, the prison that Pope Francis will visit in Philadelphia—but the priest was moved at the end of Jul…

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“I Worship Jesus, Not Mother Earth”: American Christian Exceptionalism and the Paris Withdrawal

…ons. As Jay Michaelson wrote at The Daily Beast, “climate denial was ‘fake news’ before ‘fake news’ was a thing, and it’s part of the Republican mainstream, not the Trumpist fringe.” There’s a double bind here: we must acknowledge the awful of this event just as we acknowledge the awful coast-to-coast ecological meltdown politically geo-engineered across time. The duty of scholars of religion and theologians is to expose the religious stories that…

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Everything Was Better When We Had God In Our Schools

…nt of his classmates, he was acquitted. An April 30, 1866 editorial in the New York Times argued against students carrying pistols, citing “…pistols being dropped on the floor at balls or being exploded in very inconvenient ways. A boy of 12 has his pantaloons made with a pistol pocket; and this at a boarding-school filled with boys, who, we suppose, do or wish to do the same thing. We would advise parents to look into it, and learn whether shooti…

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Big Ecumenical Gathering Marks Multi-Faith Presence at Paris Climate Talks

…mble big wigs— those of us with the travel budget sufficient to make it to Paris—attended the celebration of Multi-Faith Presence at COP 21 and Reception. We have a tilt towards the Niebuhrian, which means, theologically, that we understand doing some bad, like flying, can result in some good. Most of the people in the room were good at jet lag if bad at carbon emissions. GreenFaith, the OurVoices campaign, the World Council of Churches, Islamic R…

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Mile-High Identity Politics: What We Can Learn From the Same-Sex Seating Controversy

A recent New York Times story on the tension caused when Orthodox Jewish men request same-sex seating on airlines for religious reasons generated over 3,000 reader responses. The scenario as described in the story generally unfolds something like this: the individual reaches his assigned seat and finds that the seat next to him is occupied by a woman. He shifts uncomfortably in the aisle until the flight attendant or an alert passenger recognizes…

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The Key to Understanding the Federalist Society Isn’t Originalism — It’s This 800-Year Old Tradition

…rofile articles about the Federalist Society and legal conservatism in the New Yorker, the Washington Post and Politico make no mention of natural law. Among scholars, Pomona College professor Amanda Hollis-Brusky has published well-regarded studies of the Federalist Society and of Christian conservative legal organizations. But particularly in her book on the Federalist Society, Hollis-Brusky misses out on a major part of the story. While “origin…

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Report from Paris During COP21: Let Us Not Commit Global Suicide

…gn a climate ribbon (which had its first prom at Judson Memorial Church in New York City) and write on the ribbon what you will miss most when the temperatures rise too far to permit the earth’s amusement. You can enjoy headsets, which allow you to understand the Iranian who is talking about how he saved wetlands or the Sudanese woman who went from 28 women in an agricultural cooperative to 5000. You can learn about resilience in one lecture after…

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