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From Closeted Evangelical to Unapologetic Atheist: A “Faitheist” Manifesto

…duate student, so I wanted to see how atheist communities functioned. Frankly, I was a bit astonished by what I found. I noticed right away that one of the only unifying characteristics among many people in attendance at atheist meetings was that many maintained a very strong disdain for religion—one that often carried over into a strong disdain for religious believers. I loved working for Interfaith Youth Core, but in talking with others I realiz…

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Updated: G-O-D Plays a Bit Part in First GOP Debate

…ns support same-sex marriage these days. At the end of the event, Megyn Kelly directly invited the participants to discuss whether or not they’d “had a word from God” about their candidacy. Some viewers might question the appropriateness of such a question, but I thought it was okay. It is the sort of thing that Republican voters might be interested in, and to the extent that it brings out positions that might be otherwise submerged, it’s helpful….

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Okay, So ‘Quantum Theology’ Might Need a Bit of Explanation

…concrete images, like God as Father, indicating that this is still not really God, only a kind of powerful avatar). Both apophatic theology and quantum physics destabilize our comforting, sedimented, cosmological certainties. Both draw our attention to the fact that our human relationships to (and in) this strange cosmos are much more complex, dynamic, multilayered, indeterminate than we might ever have imagined. But Catherine’s not mystifying sci…

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A Rationalist’s Ghost Story

…history. Now, when you start doing research in this field you find out really quickly that there is very little conclusive scientific evidence for the existence of ghosts or angels or demons. I mean that’s why the debate between faith and reason, between believers and non-believers, continues to this day. Most supernatural experiences are written off as folklore, metaphor or just plain superstition. But even though there is very little scientific…

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The Right’s ‘Grooming’ Rhetoric Didn’t Begin with QAnon — You Have to Go Back a Bit Further to Get to the Source

…na Pushaw, made this explicit, tweeting: “The bill that liberals inaccurately call ‘Don’t Say Gay’ would be more accurately described as an Anti-Grooming Bill.” (The bill, signed into law in late March, prohibits discussion of LGBT issues in kindergarten through grade 3). But now talk of “grooming” is everywhere, from protests outside of Disney World to taunts yelled at LGBTQ people. Many commentators have noted the similarities between this groom…

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Mitt Romney’s Prosperity Gospel

…ection is going to be about which candidate does religion better, I fervently wish that Mr. Obama would say a bit more about the problem of cheap grace. Reminding us that people who work very hard for very little are not the abusers of cheap grace, but that others in well-feathered nests who are preaching sacrifice might be in real trouble on the cheap grace front. Obama cannot and should not condemn those in the electorate who buy into Romney’s “…

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C’mon, Joel, Swerve a Little Bit

…t no worse than the others. O’Brien kept hammering the theme, though, that lying and pride are choices we can make, but homosexuality is not. Finally, poor Osteen went to his fallback position, “Homosexuality is not God’s best.” I found that phrase offensive, until I remembered who really was “God’s best” in the Bible. Let’s recap. Abraham, the patriarch of the religion had a child by a handmaid. Moses—a murderer. David—a philanderer and then murd…

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Little ‘Value’ in New Harris Book

…llent and indicative that religion is absolute nonsense; science will finally show us definitely why. For Harris, therefore, not only will finding the true basis of morality be a good thing intellectually, it will itself be an exercise in moral behavior. So what is the secret that has eluded David Hume and G. E. Moore, and just about every professional philosopher of the twentieth century, including the present writer? It seems to be a matter of “…

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Eddie Izzard on Atheism, Transgender, and “The Invisible Bloke Upstairs”

…throw anything on and a bit of eyeliner, and everyone would think I’m really girly. I also appreciate some of the boy aspects of me cause I am 100% boy, plus extra girl. That’s the weird thing. I’ve just sent off my dad’s genome and my genome and we’re going to compare them. But within it, there will be the transvestite, trans—well, I call transgender the whole group. And then there’s transvestite and transsexual, which I believe are the same thi…

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Waiting for Lightning to Strike: A Wobbly Agnostic among the Atheists

…o do. When I walked away from fundamentalism, I saw hope disappear, fading bit by bit until I was left with a lot of big talk, a whole lot of bluster. It’s painful to live without connect-the-dots faith. It takes so much courage, I can’t tell you. The audience rises to their feet after this call to support the de-converted—the atheists are very supportive, I will say that. I lose count of the standing ovations throughout the convention. There is a…

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