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By The Numbers: Jeb Opposes Francis on Climate Change at His Peril

…s that end up getting into the political realm. Bush later hedged a little bit, but remains a skeptic on Francis’ proposals. A cynic might think that there’s only one number that drives a position like Bush’s: the total donations from well-heeled donors opposed to climate change legislation. But there’s a little more to it than that. Bush doesn’t have much to worry about in a Catholic backlash. Here’s why. Majorities of Catholics across the board…

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How AIDS Changed the Way American Christians Talk About Sex

…e books in the field is Leigh Schmidt’s Hearing Things, which is historically and theoretically rich in addition to being beautifully written. And given that I work mostly on recent history, I admit to being a little jealous of historians working on earlier time periods! What’s your next book? My next project looks at the history of religious engagement with health and disability policy in the U.S. since the 1950s. It draws upon the methods of rel…

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What’s in a Name? Religious Nones and the American Religious Landscape

…with religious Nones? The origins of the term shed some light on who exactly is actually included in the category. Although the category already existed, in 1968 sociologist Glenn M. Vernon published an article titled, “The Religious ‘Nones’: A Neglected Category” that brought the idea of “Nones” forward as an analytic category that religion scholars could, and should, explore. Vernon focused on the response of “none” or “none of the above” to th…

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Fake Gay Panic News Fools Christians

…cal principles of natural marriage.” That panicked advisory itself was widely shared. So when people who themselves believe marriage equality is a threat to their religion, or to their culture, or to their pastor are primed with hysterical scenarios from their leaders, is it surprising that a bit of fake viral news serves as confirmation bias? Stetzer urges his readers to post explicit retractions for sharing these fake stories. “If our friends an…

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Gay, Christian, Pagan, Artist: How Matt Morris Defies the Borders of Spiritual Identity

…ng, something to be nurtured and cared for, and supported—I recognized really quickly that those who sought to identify non-Christians, those who were trying to figure out who shouldn’t be allowed in the crowd, could very easily point the finger at me. So I wasn’t racing to have these conversations about what it means to be a Christian. Before you started exploring Paganism half a dozen years ago, was there a time when you stopped identifying as C…

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You’re Worse When You’re Hiding The Cocaine: A Moral Psychologist on Character and Blame

…organization is a particular Christian denominations that the sort of fairly liberal, fairly non-religious Cornell undergrad community doesn’t like, people are much less likely to praise it for its actions. And I think that it’s just because we have a particular view about that organization over time—its intentions, its works, its motives—so we’re likely to make very similar errors. We very easily divide the world into good guys and bad guys. And…

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Sing the Glory of the Smoke: The Spiritual History of Jazz

…n you can perform on the basis of that data. And if you’re doing it correctly, not only can you get amazing effects—different pulses, articulating simultaneously in different limbs—you also have the possibility that this creates productive effects among listeners. So science is necessary not just as a preamble, but as an outcome. With Sun Ra we have a different understanding of science, one that ultimately influences Anthony Braxton and post-1960s…

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A Theology of Anger: Forgiveness For White Supremacy Derails Action and Alienates Young Black Activists

…econd. For many, it was not that the family of Dylann Roof’s victims actually forgave, it was how immediately they did so. The conversation expanded beyond the Charleston murders to the long history of forgiveness in the black American experience as a response to crimes against humanity. Forgiveness, to the black activist of the 21st century, can sometimes be seen as a form of white appeasement; a way in which white fears are assuaged that blacks…

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In Trump’s America, a Reminder of Our Prophetic Past

…aboteau’s book. But Raboteau makes a convincing case that Hamer, who mightily irritated Lyndon Johnson at the Democratic Convention in 1964 (and here is her justly famous testimony), does indeed belong on his personal Mt. Rushmore. In quoting extensively from her speeches Raboteau reminds us that Hamer’s distinctive fusing of biblical and (lower-case “r”) republican rhetorics packed the same quantum of unmistakable prophetic power as the more gram…

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