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Google’s Benevolent Interfaith Big Tent

…many others like it. But when we take a step back, questions arise. Do we truly think that worldwide corporate expansion creates the conditions for interfaith peace? Will we forget that partition was not an inevitable conflict over religious difference, but rather a direct outcome of colonial violence—not unlike the corporate neocolonialism carried out in those places today, very often in the name of extending a corporate ethic of multiculturalism…

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The Google Question of Evil

…oogle mean by evil? And how will Googlers know when Google has overstepped Google’s Google-imposed boundaries? Silicon Valley is not known for excessive concern about moral dilemmas (Bogost, a writer and video game designer, lives in the South, where moral angst is de rigueur). Still, Google has tried to answer these Big Questions. In a passage that will be illuminating for the religiously-inclined, Bogost discusses how Google chairman Eric Schmid…

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Google-Phonics, Or, ‘What Is the Sound of a Thousand Tech Workers Meditating?’

…gested, “we might move beyond market capitalism altogether and arrive in a world that is beyond Google. The key moment in the Buddha’s life is not just when he left the palace, but when he crossed the river and joined those who were underprivileged. So I’m wondering: What would it look like for you to cross the river?” In reply, Meng explained that if Google ever faced a choice between the common good and the survival of the company, he would alwa…

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Are You There God? It’s Us, Googling

…ance to get their answer into your theologically-inclined field of vision. Google tailors search results to individual users based on past searchers and other tracking data. So when you ask Google about, say, the fundamental nature of evil, the first answer you get is determined not by centuries of hermeneutic tradition and theological reflection, but a combination of personalized algorithms and the vagaries of search engine optimization. So, whic…

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Rage or Courage?: YouTube Terrorism Take Two

…as the ironic function of providing, then patrolling, what is available on Google-owned YouTube. Google’s policy is to remove content only if it is hate speech, which violates its terms of service, or in response to valid court orders or government requests. After determining at first that, under its own guidelines, the offensive video was not hate speech, Google eventually announced that, “given the very difficult situation in Libya and Egypt we…

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Claiming That ‘We Birthed a Nation From Nothing’ CNN’s Rick Santorum Gives a Master Class in Christian Nationalism: An Open Letter to CNN

…d against the Pequots—one of the genocides of indigenous peoples that Santorum brushes aside. The Puritans waged a holy war on the Pequots, setting fire to a village on the Mystic River, killing 700 indigenous men, women, and children, and selling the survivors into slavery. As I’ve written elsewhere, the genocide was like something out of the Book of Joshua. The Puritans certainly saw it that way. John Mason, the Puritan militia commander and an…

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The Bible Says… and Other Myths About Scripture

…slation,” Ferrell walks us through the complex and bedeviled history of a truly Modern English-language Bible. We all know how Martin Luther’s revolutionary reform of the Catholic church was embedded in two fundamental practices: translation of the Bible into the German vernacular, and thus putting the Book back into the People’s hands. That dangerous and unsettling principle, “the priesthood of all believers,” requires first and foremost a Bible…

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Scope Bacon, Twttr Hoaxes & Joel Osteen’s Big Reveal

…ianity News” channel that featured screenshots of the website and doctored CNN and Drudge Report headlines appearing to confirm the news played over ominous-sounding music. A “Christianity News Texas” blog post on April 2, written by Tribble, reported on the “Special Announcement.”  The combination of these interlocking, seemingly credible sites and the shocking nature of the story itself generated a large amount of attention in just a few days. T…

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A Reporter’s Guide to the New Apostolic Reformation

…nd Jews. He also believes that “the creation of nations was God’s idea.” Cyrus-type rulers of sheep nations are needed to ensure that Christian values are protected and that the modern State of Israel would be respected. Of course it should be noted that their reference to the modern State of Israel is bound to their view of ancient Israel as depicted in the Bible, and their portrayal of Jewish people is far removed from the contemporary religious…

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“Even the Rich Suffer”: An Interview with Google’s Jolly Good Fellow Chade-Meng Tan

…lly—if mindfulness is a watering-down of Buddhism, whether meditation can truly save the world, and why he specializes in teaching rich people. You’re one of the only prominent advocates of secular mindfulness who is not white. What’s that like? Not only am I one of the only non-white people, but I’m one of the very few people who self-identify as Buddhist. Tim Ryan, for example, and Jon Kabat-Zinn—they don’t identify as Buddhist. If you’re white,…

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