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CNN Editor Leaves Over Tweet on Hezbollah ‘Giant’

Octavia Nasr, CNN’s senior Middle East editor, is no longer with CNN. Her departure from CNN shows a continued lack of consistency when it comes to issues of Arabs and Muslims in the mainstream media. She left for a tweet that said nothing except that she was human. Nasr is of Lebanese descent and proud of her birth land. Because of her professional and personal knowledge of the country, she expressed a sentiment over the death of Marja’ at-Taqli…

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CNN’s Disastrous ‘Town Hall’ with Trump Put the Country at Risk

…litics, compared to only 14% of Americans. Notably, only 2% say they most trust CNN. Most do not blame Trump for the violence on January 6th, and one-third believe our current political and cultural context may justify political violence: Only 15% believe Donald Trump bears a lot of responsibility for the violent actions of the rioters who took over the U.S. Capitol building on January 6th, compared to a majority (56%) of Americans (PRRI survey, 2…

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Google Data Reveal Poor Have An Interest Above “Dark” Religion

…s Marx’s critique of Hegel. I want to be fair to Leonhardt and even to the Google people who popped out the “news” about the religious searches. They aren’t intending to make value judgments; they are merely offering data-related observations, and they also clearly deplore the widening inequality that increasingly makes for two Americas. But can we allow here that mere raw data aren’t enough? Some context on the real lives of the 21st-century Joad…

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Searching for Sex, Life and Abortion on Catholic Google

…tholics, aptly named “Catholic Google.” Powered by but not affiliated with, its tag line reads “The best way for good Catholics to surf the web.” Using “safe search” technology, gives weight to “Catholic” websites and avoids “unsavory content.” So, here is what came up on a few searches I tried… When I searched for “contraception,” a few conservative articles came up about the Vatican’s antiquated stance on contracept…

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Are Colored Eggs More
Easter-y than Cesar Chavez?

…well on their sacred day. It would rather honor a liberal labor icon.” Fox News pundit Dana Perino tweeted:  I thought the Chavez-google thing was a hoax or an early April Fool’s Day prank…are they just going to leave that up there all day? — Dana Perino (@DanaPerino) March 31, 2013 What responses like these reveal more than anything is the utter disregard for understanding civil rights movements as theologically relevant. In other words, the noti…

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Iftar: Breaking Fast

…special category of Islamic studies academics who are grounded both in the international or global nature of Islam and the history of identity politics in America. All of the madness hits us double. (I think Tariq knows what I’m talking about too, right!?) We are not supposed to be both black and fluent in another language (or two). We are not supposed to think abstractly, live spiritually, and still play in the street. There is a cost not to clai…

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A Matter of Life and Debt: The Role of Religion

…arning. Question: And is there not an even more insidious dimension to the finance sector and its growing role? Answer: Yes, there is a too-little-noticed cancerous dimension. The burgeoning finance sector (which now reaps more than a fourth of annual US business profits; 25 years ago it took in just a seventh of the total) contributes almost nothing to the real economy—to the production of good and services—and in many ways it has been ravaging t…

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Should CNN Religion Writer Accept Award From Religious Advocacy Org?

…s organization.) According to Time Warner’s Standards of Business Conduct (CNN is a Time Warner subsidiary), employees are to avoid conflicts of interest. While they do not address the particulars of journalists being honored by an advocacy group, The New York Times’ “Policy on Ethics in Journalism,” for example, offers clear guidelines for such circumstances: “Staff members may not enter local, national or international competitions sponsored by…

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Where Trump and Climate Deniers Seem Very Far Away: COP22 in Marrakech

…I had been at the conference for an hour, I met Laila and Gender Concerns International. Then I went to a finance meeting, where a British banker, female, was talking about how finance was not the problem. “There is plenty of finance but not enough projects to finance.” Of course, watching these women, I wasn’t in the blue room or the red room, where decisions are being made and where I imagine things are different. I was in the green room, with…

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Don’t Worry, Be Happy: How Amazon, Google & Neuroscience Threaten American Buddhism

…er to pragmatist philosopher Richard Rorty’s famous question, “Why not be cruel?” The best this mindset can offer is a utilitarian ethic, like the business world’s cost/benefit analysis—and that’s only self-interest posing as enlightenment. The moral confusion that Pinker gleefully celebrates reminds me of the Jacobins after the French Revolution. They kicked the priests out of Notre Dame, erected a statue to the Goddess of Reason, and then welcom…

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