Irony of the Iranian Women’s Burqa Ban
Don’t we in the West laugh at authoritarian states that control women’s clothes and sex lives?
Read MoreDon’t we in the West laugh at authoritarian states that control women’s clothes and sex lives?
Read MoreMy husband can run out to the door in his shorts and in what some people refer to tellingly as a “wife-beater” while I must be fully dressed, complete with appropriate underwear; it’s only partially based in religion.
Read MoreA young Muslim woman is denied entry to a public pool because of her body-covering swimsuit, a “burqini,” and authorities insist that it has nothing to do with Islam. What, then?
Read MoreGiven the strictures of Muslim dating, what are all the eligible Muslim women to do in the face of the dearth of eligible Muslim men? Sex? Online dating? Marry outside the faith?
Read MoreThe recent murder in Germany, and the ensuing silence, reveal a shocking level of tolerance for Islamophobia. But hate is seldom focused nor easily sated.
Read MoreWhy did coverage of the murder of a pregnant Muslim woman merely record the outrage “in the Muslim world”?
Read MoreDale and Leilani Neumann, whose daughter Madeline died due to the couple’s belief that illness comes from sin have, despite their trust in Divine intervention, acquired an attorney to protect themselves from the law.
Read MoreAmerican women need help. They are so victimized that they suffer themselves to be treated like objects and toys, desiring no change…
Read MoreThe Muslim headscarf is capable of numerous meanings, many of which are rather less dramatic than outsiders might imagine…
Read MoreWhen you step out in clothing that boldly states your womanhood, you are a free woman. You are no longer a slave to old rules and notions. Modernity is inherently free.
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