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DeSantis is a No-Show, the Right’s ‘Secret Sauce,’ and Final Thoughts on Pray Vote Stand

…escribing the Velvet Revolution, Czechia’s transfer of power away from the communist government, Caner tells us that what the “communist government did not expect was the sovereignty of God and the providence of his people.” Caner also shares his parenting principles: life over death; liberty over authority; nationalism over globalism; American exceptionalism; capitalism over socialism; defense over passivism. It’s a neat articulation of the evang…

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Clues in the Data Suggest That Increase in LGBTQ Acceptance May Be Skewed By Conservative Desire For ‘Respectability’

…bisexual, and transgender people against discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing” (even if only 48% strongly support these laws, compared to 18% who oppose nondiscrimination protections and 7% who oppose them strongly). Support for basic LGBTQ nondiscrimination has risen rapidly in recent years (from 71% in 2015), even as right-wing backlash has gained ground, moving on from bathroom bills and school sports bans to outright ban…

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Spinning But Not Religious: Inside the New Economy of Spiritual Fitness

…’s monetized? Millennials bristle at anything that’s inauthentic or overly commercial. I think that [fitness] companies do have to be careful about being too nakedly commercial about their ambitions. Especially when you get into the realm of mindfulness or proposing to help people on a spiritual level. There’s a fine line between being helpful and being a huckster—an old-fashioned traveling preacher moving from town to town. I think there is a cer…

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Maybe Millennials Are Just Realizing That ‘God is Dead’

…what they’re looking for and what they would like to contribute to a faith community.” In a response of sorts in The Washington Post, Brett McCracken, author of Hipster Christianity, finds much to agree with in Evans’ piece. He takes issue, however, with Evans’ conclusion and what it implies: that millennials should determine what Christianity and its churches should be. McCracken’s solution to growing dissatisfaction and disaffection, then, is th…

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Sharbat Gula’s Experience Exemplifies the ‘White Savior’ Lens Through Which Most Americans View Afghanistan

…rtionately from the rights of her image, many members of the international community—the United States’ white military industrial complex and White Feminist Majority in particular—have regarded Afghanistan merely through the point of view of war rather than as a nation of diverse peoples, a plethora of cultures, many histories, and multiple geographies—and have certainly benefited from positioning themselves as White Saviors. Afghans are portrayed…

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Meet the “New Age” Stephen Colbert

…s expose the shadow side that people are usually not aware of. The type of comedy I enjoy is when the comedian delivers a line in such a way that it makes us become aware of something we previously weren’t aware of. The punch line is delivered and there’s this new perspective we’d never thought of before. I think that space in between is a very therapeutic dose of confusion, which evokes the emotional response, laughter being the emotional respons…

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The Promise of Immortality in a Tech-Enhanced Heaven

…ith that, but I’d rather they stayed as debates, and did not escalate into competing mobs trying to make unpopular opinions inexpressible, and trying to drive people out of their careers. LW: So, regarding religion and transhumanism: we’re always reminding people that “religion” and “belief” are not the same thing. I’m certain there are scholars of religion who would say that transhumanism has some features of a religion: a cosmology, a set of pra…

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Survival of the CrossFittest: After a Schism Over Racism Can the Fitness Empire Shed its Culture of Whiteness?

…of religion alike. Its zealous members, brand evangelists, and tight-knit community serve as a convenient example for how communal identity, mutual aid, and belief in a specialized lifestyle can exist and thrive outside of traditionally religious contexts. For the past three years I have conducted an ethnography of CrossFit. Building off groundbreaking work by R. Marie Griffith and Lynne Gerber, I’ve found a significant terrain of religious expre…

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How ‘Positivity’ Can Lead to Conspiratorial Thinking

community in Sedona, Arizona, variations of prosperity consciousness were common. Positive energy attracts positive outcomes, I was told. Abundance, often a byword for wealth, can be manifested through positive thinking and affirmation. Saying “I AM abundant” every morning would bring more money into one’s life. Negative thinking, and by extension negative people, were to be avoided, as if their negativity were contagious and would bring misfortu…

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