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The Wrong Man: Why Falwell’s Paying for His Indiscretion But Trump Gets a Pass

…ertain conditions. If the politicians in question are white, straight, and come off as “tough guy” protector types (think Roy Moore, Arnold Schwarzenegger, or Donald Trump), a persona more common among conservatives, then such politicians need not apologize for, nor even confess, their sexual wrongdoing, which can be read as an admission of weakness. When they break the sexual rules, this is often seen simply as a side-effect of their powerful mas…

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How Do Evangelical Missionaries in Brazil Justify Risking Indigenous Lives During a Pandemic?

…Pews: Stories of Leaving the Church. Through those experiences and in our community in general, I had numerous opportunities to observe career missionaries. One talking point that commonly arises in evangelical subculture is that “there is no safer place to be than in the center of God’s will.” If God needs you not to have coronavirus, in other words, you won’t get it; and why would God want people to get coronavirus in church after all? Followin…

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‘Purity’ Guru Joshua Harris May Have Left Evangelicalism But He’s Still a Member of the Church of Patriarchy

…rspective, absolutely. From a patriarchal perspective: nah, not really. It comes with the toxic masculinity territory to ensure one is always seen as strong and in control, even in admission of error. Harris’ trafficking in apologies communicates that whether it takes form in evangelical or secular culture, his faith lies in patriarchy. When it became untenable for him to both maintain his position in evangelical Christianity and retain the logics…

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Will the US Naval Academy Grant The Satanic Temple Equal Rites?

…hough they were a practicing satanist. In conducting research for his forthcoming book, Speak of the Devil: How the Satanic Temple is Changing the Way We Talk About Religion (Oxford, January 2020), Laycock interviewed several TST members who were active military. “Nearly all of them had a story about being harassed by a commanding officer who was essentially using his position to proselytize to subordinates. In his estimation, “These TST members i…

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Open Carry Racism: The Right Wing Fever Dream that Predates Trump

…inues its exodus, a stream of comic book villains exiting stage right. The combination of venality, incompetence, and pathological narcissism, however, remains. And the world lives in the Trump era’s bubble of strangely dilated time: everything agonizingly slow—and bewilderingly fast. But for all the post-mortems on the 2016 election, for every Hillbilly Elegy that says to white rage “I feel your pain,” or every column wondering how evangelicals c…

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What Fidel Castro’s Death Means for LGBT Rights in Cuba and More, in This Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…pport them in their spiritual lives by seeing that the three pillars of welcome, safety and inclusion are implanted in the Church. “These issues are complicated. Churches find the matter toxic and are, just like political parties, afraid of splits. Other Churches here have networks supporting LGBT members and these have been successful to the degree that these Churches are no longer talking ‘into themselves’, but tentatively finding ways to dialog…

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Doing Political Theology In an Election Season: Howard Thurman on Deception

…ce economy that looks increasingly like an on-demand, servant economy. Overcoming these problems requires that we name them accurately, even if our problem-solving abilities are outstripped by the enormity of our challenges. The price of deception, Thurman continues, is to become a deception. American elections, as we can see so clearly this season, are exercises in deception. The prevailing frame of the ideal voter as middle class and the excessi…

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Falwell’s Fall Was Unrelated to the Anti-Science, Racism, and Patriarchy Trifecta that Built Liberty

…gated throughout the country, [and] defined in moral terms.” If this was accomplished and “political power is achieved, the moral majority will have the opportunity to re-create this great nation.” In 1979, conservative theologian Frances A. Schaeffer teamed up with pediatrician C. Everett Koop to tour the country with a series of anti-abortion films, while Weyrich and Falwell created the “Moral Majority” to protect white male supremacy, with abor…

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Catholic Leaders Offer Criticism, Support to Boxer Pacquiao After Anti-Gay Comments…

…s Justice Party, tweeted that the Prophet Mohammed said “Whomever you find committing the acts of the community of Lot (homosexual) should be put to death.” Sembering later deleted the tweet in response to online criticism. A few people, including religious studies scholar Akhmad Sahal, suggested Sembering was importing the rhetoric of ISIS, which has publicized the execution of many alleged gay men that it justifies with this same passage of scri…

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#OpenTheseDoors: A Movement to Turn New York’s Closed Churches into Shelters

…with the idea of vacant space, the church and homeless crisis. Advent was coming up, and we saw the link about specific churches that had been closed and wanted to sign a light on these specific buildings.” The result is a website, Twitter, and Instagram that mimics a traditional Advent calendar, with an image of a closed church’s doors unveiled every day. “We wanted it to be a joyful action,” Hannigan says, adding that “church doors are pretty p…

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