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Preachers’ Daughters Episode 4: Victoria Apologizes, Olivia is Embarrassed, and Taylor Dances Around in Silly Underpants

…Victoria. Realizing that she may have given Kolby an overly dismal view of dating, Victoria talks movingly about her own regrets about marrying at 16, finally saying “I’m sorry. I know you’re not me.”  This is very good, and maybe a bit overdue, TV-wise. The previous episodes have given an impression of Victoria as intrusively over-concerned with her daughters’ sexual decisions. Evidently even Victoria Koloff thought so, too. On her own episode re…

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Discovering “Little Syria”—New York’s Long-Lost Arab Neighborhood

…ut even in the 1980s, there were still “pockets” of human-scaled buildings dating back to the early 19th century. The 9/11 attacks not only destroyed the World Trade Center but also destroyed even more physical remnants of its previous life, including St. Joseph’s Greek Orthodox Church. During the cleanup, rescue workers found a cornerstone dating back to the Little Syria era. It had been kept in the Greek Orthodox church, from when St. Joseph’s w…

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The Panic Over Whether Religion Is “Even Legal”

…ersity’s tax exempt status in the 1970s, because of its ban on interracial dating—became an issue because the University was discriminating against non-white students, not because it believed the Bible prohibited interracial dating. Similarly, the government is entitled to enforce anti-discrimination laws if an institution is actually discriminating against a protected person, such as a caterer discriminating against a gay person in a state whose…

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Forgive and Forget After Bob Jones’ “Stone the Gays” Apology?

…ll also observe that Bob Jones University continues to forbid all same-sex dating, and that it forbade interracial dating up until 2000. There are thus grounds for the claim that prejudice is more rule than exception in the Bob Jones universe. Still, Jones’ apology is important and conciliatory to those students and alumni alienated by his words. For the rest of us, it may be useful as a synecdoche for the rhetorical posture of conservative evange…

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LDS Church Launches New Website Calling for Greater Openness and Understanding on LGBT Issues

…position that being gay is not sinful although having gay sex is. And the site may miss an opportunity in providing the explicit helps for Mormon parents of gay youth developed by public health researchers working in cooperation with Mormon lay leaders at San Francisco State University’s Family Acceptance project. But with its explicit call for improved treatment of LGBT people within Mormon communities, the site opens new hori…

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Busy Days For ‘eBay of Prophecy’

…hopes of maintaining his status as ‘the eBay of prophecy,’ the best source online for predictions and calculations concerning the end of the world.” In addition to Rapture Ready Wallpaper, and a number of ads for books (Coincidences in the Bible and in Biblical Hebrewby Haim Shore), a very scary graphic novel (Armageddon Now: World War III), videos (“Rapture—End Times”), and dating aids (“Meet Christian Singles”—obviously something that should be…

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Neither The Joker Nor Godlessness Drove Batman Shooting

…left behind no online fingerprint aside from a cryptic message on an adult dating website. And instead of a note or manifesto, as in the case of the Unabomber, he left a booby-trapped death chamber for anyone who attempted to enter his apartment and for those living in his building. More destruction to “explain” destruction leaves nothing in his wake. Rather than attributing Holmes’ and the Joker’s nonexistent moral compass (and neither seems to h…

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The Gray Lady’s Regard: Ritual and the Wedding Pages

…he name of the person who will sign the official certificate,” advises the online instructions for announcement submission, “For an interfaith event, please include the names and affiliations of any other officiants who will participate.” Religion here is a first-paragraph shibboleth, the entry code to the subsequent curriculum vitae. Over the course of the announcements, the so-called “Episcopacy” has become less Anglican and more ethnic. In 1997…

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When a Pride March Means Owning the Shame of Racial and Economic Injustice

…e won’t consider anything but a white partner, some gay men insist this is online dating as usual. But as a Daily Beast headline so succinctly phrased it: “‘No Blacks’ Is Not a Sexual Preference. It’s Racism.” The second assumption concerns the Black Church. It still shocks me to think how Black people, and specifically Black Church leaders, were assigned such heavy blame for passage of Proposition 8 here in California. Within white gay circles, t…

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Broadcast Officials in China Censor Gay TV Characters

…for minorities.” China: Broadcast Officials Censor Gay Characters From TV, Online Streaming Chinese officials have moved to censor gay characters from television and online streaming, reports BuzzFeed. New government guidelines state, “No television drama shall show abnormal sexual relationships and behaviors, such as incest, same-sex relationships, sexual perversion, sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual violence, and so on.” Also banned are histo…

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