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Who Is “Sam Bacile?”

…essed to find evidence of the existence a California real estate developer online. What’s more, if whoever made the film actually spent $5 million on it, the expenditure hardly shows in the content, acting, or production values. Amateurish doesn’t even begin to describe the 13-minute trailer on YouTube. The film was promoted by anti-Muslim zealot Terry Jones. The WSJ reported yesterday: The film’s 52-year-old writer, director and producer, Sam Bac…

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Burning Man: Fear of an Alternative Pagan Social Order

…nstallment in the series, but can also be found in an article he published online and in radio interviews. In consideration of Burning Man’s origins, Matthews critiques the “creation myth” of the event. Matthews views the popular portrayal, provided by founder Larry Harvey, as suspect and he provides an alternative understanding that relies on the testimony of Michael “Flash” Hopkins, a friend of Harvey’s who claims to have been a key collaborator…

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Atheists Ignore Islamophobia at their Peril

…eists for the tragedy, an accusation that a sizable majority of atheist websites then addressed. RationalWiki, an atheist wiki featuring a newsfeed and articles like “Atheism FAQ for the Newly Deconverted,” contained no mention of the Sikh shooting, but it did list an instance where a Florida door-to-door salesman was shot, and noted the recent mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado. PZ Myers, who is among the most visible atheist bloggers in the world…

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What Does the ‘Traditional Family’ Have To Do with Pussy Riot?

…yev, head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department of External Relations, visited Washington DC. The trip was remarkable not only as the Russian Orthodox Church’s first meeting with conservative evangelicals, but for its explicit goal to forge an alliance of Christians in defense of traditional values. While Hilarion showed a certain amount of open-mindedness in reaching out to non-Orthodox Christians, including Janice Crouse of Concerned Women of…

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Sikh Temple Shooting: Two Massacres and the Virtual Transformation of Trauma

…writing about their experiences of being a Sikh in America, tweeting and updating their Facebook statuses to express solidarity with the larger community, organizing candlelight vigils and creating online groups to spread the word about the Wisconsin attack. My most fervent hope is that just as the internet might be transforming the very notion of trauma by speaking the unspeakable in real time, it can also start addressing the very deep-rooted pr…

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Rev. Raphael Warnock Tweets ‘I am a pro-choice pastor’ and Suddenly a Public Figure’s Religion is Fair Game

…as the one between Democrat Jon Ossoff and Republican David Perdue, is the site of intense national focus. If the Democrats take both seats, they win control of the upper chamber. This more than anything explains the extreme online reaction Tuesday to a short tweet by Warnock, declaring “I am a pro-choice pastor.” To wit: Charlie Kirk: “You cannot be pro-abortion and also be a Christian.” Erick Erickson: “So not really a follower of the actual Jes…

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