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Captain America: Civil Religion (And Why Donald Trump Thinks He’s Batman)

…d its corporate extensions,” and upheld through military might. Trump, the agent of empire, has comic-book counterparts. According to Jeet Heer at the New Republic, Trump is not only a political pop-culture figure, but one modeled specifically on superheroes and comic-strip/book characters like the moneyed weapons manufacturers Daddy Warbucks (caretaker of little orphan Annie) and Tony Stark (Iron Man), as well as the billionaire vigilante Bruce W…

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‘Politicized Religion’ Doesn’t Explain Evangelical Support of Donald Trump

…ut these must be properly, and hierarchically, ordered. A religious social agent will be one whose religious identity supersedes her political identity, and vice-versa. Reflecting this logic, in his critique of presidential candidate and self-professed evangelical Ted Cruz, Prothero writes, “it seems plain that Cruz is a conservative first, an American second, a Republican third, and a Christian fourth.” As a legion of contemporary scholars (e.g.,…

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Katie Britt Wants You to Be Afraid — It’s the Fuel That Feeds Conservative Power

…Britt was more than a representative, though. She was an active marketing agent, selling both opposition and the fear that fuels it. It’s almost universal today to find social conservatives clinging to a rigidly hierarchical vision of family and society out of fear of difference, cultural change, or anything or anyone who challenges those hierarchies. Nearly 30 years ago, George Lakoff posited that, at the core of the conservative mindset is the…

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Religious Hostility to Gay Nigerians; The Pope’s Visit To Africa; Ireland’s Religious Schools Can’t Discriminate Against Gays; Orthodox Church in Georgia Leads Anti-Gay Forces; Global LGBT Recap

…f the land says he should be killed, leave that one to the law enforcement agent. NICK SCHIFRIN: The problem is that’s exactly what’s happened. Last January, Nigeria made same-sex marriage and advocating for gay rights crimes. Since then, nobody’s been sentenced, but police, State-sponsored vigilantes, even public mobs are accused of exploiting the law to abuse and extort. In another video, a mob accuses a man of being gay and then the accusers ta…

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‘Hello, Trump Warriors!’ Little-Known Preachers and Rabble Rousers are the Unregulated Id of the Felon’s First Rally

…et or heard of him, thus proving Obama’s true identity as a Muslim sleeper agent from the mostly Christian nation of Kenya. If a White man doesn’t see a Black man, does the Black man even exist? “I will give you my country,” Root is shouting, his fist high above his head now, “when you pry it from my cold. Dead. Hands!” He gathers up the screaming crowd. “Will you fight! Will you fight! Are! You! Warriors! For Trump! Are you the Trump Army?” Of co…

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“Lyin’ Ted’s” Non-Endorsement: When Coherence Becomes a Vice

…efense of liberty is no vice,” now booed an advocate of liberty against an agent of extremism. Following the speech, the chattering classes responded in the most predictable ways, assessing the politics of the moment rather than Cruz’s argument itself. For a media that looks at elections as little more than horse races, such reactions are hardly surprising. Talking heads could only wonder what this meant for Cruz’s presidential prospects in 2020….

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This Halloween, Think of Islam as a Religion of Pieces. Reese’s Pieces.

…) If you’re not Jeb Bush and have some energy, you could dress up as a TSA agent and, while snapping the gloves tight around the wrist, tell the neighbors it’s only a random screening; that if they’ve got nothing to hide, they’ve got nothing to be afraid of. Or drop in on Muslim Fun Day, get every single kid from your mosque to travel the sidewalks with you (hint: promise candy), and act as if they’re all yours. Remember: large numbers of Muslims…

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Religion, Lies, and Videotape: Planned Parenthood and the Latest Fake Sting

…rder is wrong, then murder is wrong. When I make moral arguments as a free agent—and I know many on the right don’t believe women have these prerogatives—I make them as a proud relativist. A Niebuhrian, even, one adult enough to know the truth that some tragedy often accompanies some virtue. The Planned Parenthood lie-by-video is so absurd that it deserves little comment. But the powers and principalities are strong. Saying nothing won’t make them…

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Is Monsanto Satan? The Pleasure and Problem of Conspiracy Theory

…logy giant. Monsanto’s legendary depravity goes back for decades—they made Agent Orange for the government—earning it the nickname Monsatan (see #Monsatan on Twitter), a dedicated resistance campaign, Millions Against Monsanto, and yearly protest marches in over 40 countries. Like most people, I knew how bad Monsanto really was, despite not having thought too hard about it. (It is the 3rd most hated company in America.) I knew Monsanto sues farmer…

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Robot Kills a Worker in Germany… Who’s to Blame?

…blame drivers who crash their cars because we tend to view drivers as the agent responsible for operating a machine. If we come to believe that robots themselves are agents whose behavior, like our own, is not entirely predictable, we may want to sue bots themselves, rather than user-workers. There is no guarantee that we will come to feel this way or that we must, but it is certainly one possibility. Whether or not we are replaced by robots, cha…

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