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You’re Worse When You’re Hiding The Cocaine: A Moral Psychologist on Character and Blame

…on there is that we’re literally anthropomorphizing Islam as if it were an agent? Or is something deeper happening? That’s a good question and a nice distinction that you’re making. I think part of the answer might be that people are just using the psychological tools that they have to evaluate human beings to evaluate some of these abstract entities. Now I don’t have good evidence for this, at least not published evidence, but I think that people…

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Seattle ‘CultureMaker’ Nathan Marion: We Need New Abbeys in America to Foster Community, Arts

…th it.” So, that’s not a bad thing, but it’s definitely sometimes a change agent. People realize, you know, we only have 20 people tithing nowadays, so we’ve got to figure out something. That makes them a lot more open-minded, and hopefully that can generate change and help everybody to see the possibilities more clearly. Your bio on the Fremont Abbey website says you wanted to “change the city through community arts interaction.” What needed to c…

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What Penis Theft Tells Us About Belief, Culture, and Our Brains

…is, but I think we need to recognize that our mind is an active biological agent in these things. I have not yet gotten as much active pushback as I thought I would. People seem ready for this more complex model of health and the body. Is there any mental illness that won’t have this kind of interplay between psychology and biology? Do you think there are any mental illnesses that aren’t culture bound? There’s no biological test for any mental ill…

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As US Reaches a 1940s Fork in the Road — Which Path Will We Choose?

…essmen to toast the fall of France in a Manhattan hotel while a Jewish FBI agent investigated. Jay’s project is called A Nazi on Wall Street. During our conversation, he explained why he believes we’re moving into a new paradigm and how the choices made in the 1940s seem to mirror choices being made now in the 2020s. We could have turned fully fascist back then. Let’s hope we don’t do that now. (This interview has been edited for length and clarit…

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Baby We Were Born for War: To Dominionist Christian Groups, No Election is Too Small — and Colorado is Just the Beginning

…novation Way, Woodland Park, CO 80863. Billy Epperhart, Registered Service Agent.” Epperhart is the CEO of Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College. The link takes you to the website of Christian Voter Guide, published by the Aledo, Texas-based Wallbuilders, a Dominionist, Christian nationalist organization founded by David Barton, and now run by his son Tim Barton. The school board races were the pilot project in a long-term campaign by…

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Putin Theo-Propaganda Minister Kirill Invokes 600 Years of History to Lay Claim to Ukraine — Here’s What it Means

…ed the role of the Russian Orthodox Church and its primate as a propaganda agent par excellence for the Putin regime. It also demonstrated, once again, the extent to which the Russian state and the Russian Orthodox Church rely upon a version of history that is utterly foreign to most of the West, and yet is utterly common in the Orthodox Christian world, even beyond Russia. Unfortunately, Western media have all but ignored this element of Russian…

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A New Mormon Religion Has Taken QAnon Conspiracies and Canonized Them as Doctrine

…emselves Global Citizens.” “I believe that Brigham Young was a Rothschilds agent sent to assassinate the Smith family and gain control over the church. The Cabal have taken over every major religious institutions. The Book of Mormon warns against this, but modern day propehts [sic] don’t even talk about it, and also.cover up a lot of what Joseph Smith taught.” Wait, what? That last one is what initially piqued my interest in a new Mormon religion…

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No, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow is Not Calling for Peace — In Fact, He’s Putin’s Accomplice

…to Vladimir Putin and has made the Russian Orthodox Church (once again) an agent of state power. The fact that some in the West are not able to plainly see this is to their detriment, because it blinds them from seeing how power is operating in Russia and beyond. It’s nice to think that the head of the Russian Orthodox Church is calling for peace, but he’s doing nothing beyond the bare minimum and his complicity is encouraging the aggressors in th…

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Hulu’s ‘Hamilton’s Pharmacopeia’ Shows That We Can No Longer Ignore Connections Between Religion and Drugs

…first time in their entire life.” The clinic’s website claims that after a number of therapeutic sessions “you are likely to experience a state of deep meditation and a feeling of unconditional love.” Skeptics may, of course, balk at the equation of a clinical, drug-induced experience with an experience that borders on the mystical, but such claims aren’t out of the ordinary. William James, author of The Varieties of Religious Experience, describe…

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Rick Santorum Breezes Past the Genocidal Foundation of White Christian Nationalism

…greatly at the hands of historical revisionism.” Instead of serving as an agent of colonization and genocide, he revives a longstanding story that Columbus was working for God. He continues, “Christopher believed that providentially he had been given the name Christ-opher, which means one who bears Christ. His purpose has been re-written. Why?” he asks, without waiting for an answer, but implying it’s the devil’s work. Instead of focusing on the…

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