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Taking Liberties: 8 Great Stories on Religion and History in U.S. Politics

…reflective 4th. —The Eds. __________________________ RD’s JULY 4th READING LIST The Quixotic Task of Debunking David Barton PAUL HARVEY • Jun 3, 2012 The reason all the refutation in the world will have little or no effect on Barton’s target audience is that his book, The Jefferson Lies, is not really about Jefferson at all; it’s about Barton’s own skewed view of the context of historical scholarship and the academic enterprise—and, for that matte…

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Mormons Take Even More Activist Message to DC Pride March

…e call for signature gatherers that went out over one congregation’s email list.  But even without formal LDS Church involvement in Maryland, you feel compelled to take a more political stance than the Salt Lake City marchers. Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail said, “We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people.” Many good me…

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Notify This! Vatican Bungles Response to Sexual Ethics Book

…ated, and demeaned. That the Vatican places masturbation at the top of its list highlights its perverted priorities in a deeply troubled world. It is impossible to imagine the discourse as the men took under their scholarly consideration Margaret’s understated, but nonetheless robust, affirmation of women finding “great good in self-pleasuring… something many had not experienced or even known about in their ordinary sexual relations with husbands…

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Conservative Christian Anti-Abortion Hero is Neither Christian nor Anti-Abortion

…ervative groups, including National Right to Life and the Susan B. Anthony List, continue to use Chen’s struggle against forced abortions in China to further pro-life politics in the U.S. Unfortunately, Chen’s own political statements aren’t really giving them much to work with. First, conservative media critic Terry Mattingly hailed Chen as a Christian pro-lifer, and accused mainstream media coverage of missing the “faith angle”—until it was poin…

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Please Reverend, Do Something About the Fat People

…than pick these findings apart, it might be easier to just go through and list the hypothetical conditions under which that call to DO SOMETHING might actually be compelling: 1. It might be compelling if associations and correlations said anything about causality. But they don’t. If they did, wearing panties would put you at a sharply increased risk for becoming female, and burying yourself in dirt would put you at an increased risk for turning i…

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Jeff Sharlet’s Weird Religion, in 13 Chapters

…ce needs the wide-open space of east Texas to ground a globetrotting evangelistic enterprise, while Will’s globetrotting activism leans on his grounding in Kenilworth, Illinois. Plots are constantly plotted.   Ultimately, emplotting people’s tales and locations entails their humanity, and hence we stumble over the third emplotment, the cemetery plot. In “Begin with the Dead,” Cornel West offers his attitudes toward teaching and all other manner of…

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Electionpocalypse, Part II: The Mythical Jewish Vote

…nt for turning a blind eye to the rise of Avigdor Lieberman’s ultra-nationalist, racist Yisrael Beiteinu party. (It’s now slated to merge with Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud, which was horrible enough before such a worrisome marriage.) Beinart is anathema to said American Jewish establishment, and he’s been slandered as anti-Israel. But as Shaul Magid noted in a review here, Beinart’s “critics, it appears, care far less about Israel than they do about…

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Catholic Church Targets Proponent of Women’s Ordination; Feminist Theologian

…s that it comes at the price of violating the bishops’ own guidelines for “promoting cooperation and resolving misunderstandings between bishops and theologians.” Adopted in 1989, these guidelines were crafted precisely to encourage dialogue and discourage this kind of heavy-handed response to theological work that I would wager most bishops do not understand. Professor Johnson reports that she was neither informed of the investigation of her work…

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Do Atheists Belong in the Interfaith Movement?

…sumably, not just to get atheists to be liked. Among other things, it’s to promote critical reasoning; it’s to advance the view that faith is decidedly not a virtue. Calling our worldview a faith does not seem the best way to achieve these objectives.” Unsurprisingly, the thought that interfaith work requires significant tongue-biting makes many atheists very uncomfortable; it was certainly a concern I had before I started working in the interfait…

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A Tea Party Leader Hates Christians

…upports “illegal immigration” and “socialist health care;” in sum, “a socialist wish list.” After the Senate failed to break the Republican filibuster of the DREAM Act on Saturday, the UMC’s General Board of Church and Society put out the following statement from Bishop Minerva Carcaño of the Desert Southwest Conference: Though the Senate failed to supply the necessary leadership to provide humane and effective solutions to the badly broken immigr…

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